
谢谢大家 大家都好厉害。。。还有个句子:你最希望到那些国家去学习?

I dont like persons who are always agressive and full of resentment.
He looks affable and easy to get along with或It seems that he is affable and easy to get along with.
What I can't tolerate most is that the others tell lies to me.
She doesn't pay attention to food but is critical of dressing.
The environment around the houses of our team is very good.
The rent for this room is 300 Yuan a month, excluding the fees for water, electricty and natural gas.
It is very convenient to go from where we live to the school and the downtown.
How nice it will be if our mobile can rewrite compact disk.
This is a new model of mobile enabling not only receiving calls but also surfing the internet and sending e-mail.
Do you want to go to New Zealand for sightseeing?或Do you want to tour/travel to New Zealand?但我觉得第一种更能表达去旅游的意思.
Travelling can broaden your vision and enrich your experience.
The best way to understand a culture is to experience it for yourself.
I think travelling by bikes will help you know China better.
This suite is equiped with all neccessary furnitures, but you have to pay 500 Yuan as guarantee deposit before you (live in the suite).如果是酒店要办入住手续的这种情况()中的词可用check in来代替.这上面翻译的可以是一般性的租房子.

Which country do you want to go for study most?
第1个回答  2008-11-11
i don't like the aggressive people full of grievances
he looks like kind and easy to get along with
she isn't particular with food but not clothing
the surrounding environment of the house we rented is good
the rent of this house is 300yuan per month with water and electricity charges excluded
it's convenient for us to go to school and downtown from our house
if only my cell phone could copy CD-ROM
this is the latest cell phone;besides making calls it also can provide surfing and service of sending e-mail
do you want to travel in New zealand?
tourism can broaden one's views and enrich the experiences
the best way to understand a king of culture is to experience it by yourself
i think traveling by bike would help you better understand China
there is complete furniture in the house while you have to pay 500yuan as deposit before moving in
第2个回答  2008-11-11
I don't like people who are aggressive all day and are always complaining.
He look easy-going and easy to get along well with.
I can't tolerate others lying to me.
She doesn't care for food,but she is particular about clothes
The environment around the group of our houses is very good.
The rent of this room is 300 Yuan each month,not including water ,eletricity and gas costs.
It is very easy to go to the school and downtown from our house.
If only CD-ROMs could be copied in my cellphone!
This is the latest type of cellphone.It cannot only be used to make a call,but also to surf the Internet and send e-mails.
Would you like to go on a trip to New Zealand?
Travelling can broaden our horizons and enrich experiences.
The best way to know about a culture is to experience it in person.
I think that travelling by bike can help you understand China better.
This flat is full of all kinds of furniture,but you have to pay a deposit of 500 yuan before living in it.
第3个回答  2008-11-11
don't like the aggressive people full of grievances
he looks like kind and easy to get along with
she isn't particular with food but not clothing
i think traveling by bike would help you better understand China
there is complete furniture in the house while you have to pay 500yuan as deposit before moving in
the surrounding environment of the house we rented is good
the rent of this house is 300yuan per month with water and electricity charges excluded
it's convenient for us to go to school and downtown from our house
if only my cell phone could copy CD-ROM
this is the latest cell phone;besides making calls it also can provide surfing and service of sending e-mail
do you want to travel in New zealand?
tourism can broaden one's views and enrich the experiences
the best way to understand a king of culture is to experience it by yourself
第4个回答  2008-11-15
I do not like the aggressive all day, full of grievances of the people

He was affable, very good to get along

I can not tolerate others to lie to me

She did not pay attention to food, but wearing a very critical

We have groups of houses around a good environment

The room is the son of a monthly rent of 300 yuan, excluding costs such as water, electric,

From our home to school and are very convenient downtown

My cell phone would be able to burn CD-ROM nice ah

This is the latest model of a cell phone, not only can be used to call, and
E-mail and Internet access can

Do you think of New Zealand tourism?

Travel can broaden our horizons, enriching experience

To understand a culture that is the best way to experience first-hand

I would like to travel by bike will help you better understand China

This house full of furniture. Check-in, but before delivery of 500 yuan deposit
第5个回答  2008-11-16
i don't like the aggressive people full of grievances
he looks like kind and easy to get along with
she isn't particular with food but not clothing
the surrounding environment of the house we rented is good
the rent of this house is 300yuan per month with water and electricity charges excluded
it's convenient for us to go to school and downtown from our house
if only my cell phone could copy CD-ROM
this is the latest cell phone;besides making calls it also can provide surfing and service of sending e-mail
do you want to travel in New zealand?
tourism can broaden one's views and enrich the experiences
the best way to understand a king of culture is to experience it by yourself
i think traveling by bike would help you better understand China
there is complete furniture in the house while you have to pay 500yuan as deposit before moving in 是我的毕生