

第1个回答  2023-09-05

喜悦的英文happy joyous。


我们和女排姑娘一起分享胜利的喜悦。We shared the joy of victory with the women volleyball team.

如果你洒下的是汗水,来年你将收获一份喜悦。If you shed sweat, you will gain joy in the coming year.

她虽然没有说什么,却掩盖不住内心的喜悦。Though she did not say anything, she could not hide her joy.

她两眼闪动着喜悦的泪花对我儿子啦!”。Her eyes twinkled with joy to my son!"

他帮刚出生的儿子拍了许多照片,准备将弄璋之喜的喜悦,传给远在美国的亲人们。He took a lot of pictures of his newborn son, ready to pass on the joy of making him happy to relatives far away in the United States.

解放前他离开家乡求职谋生,十年后又带着喜悦衣锦还乡。Before liberation, he left his hometown to work for a living. After ten years, he returned home with joy.