

for和of 的用法

of 属于(某人或某物);



a friend of mine a friend of mine 我的一个朋友

two members of the team 两名队员

the city of New York ty of New York 纽约市

a photo of my dog 我那只狗的照片

a bag of rice a bag of rice 一袋大米

a girl of 12 12岁的女孩


1. for"对……来说"(利益)

All for one, and one for all. 人人为我,我为人人。

Smoking is not good for the health. 吸烟有害健康。

2. for"由于"(理由,原因)

She was angry with him for being late. 她生气是因为他迟到。

3. for"向,往……"(方向,目的地)

This ship is for San Francisco. 这艘船是开往旧金山的。

4. for"目的,追求"(以……为目的,为了得到……)

What is this for? 这是做什么用的?

She does aerobics for her figure. 为了保持身材,她做有氧运动。

5. for"交换,抵偿报酬"(以……的金额,与……交换……)

She took the blouse back to the store and changed it for another. 她把这件短上衣拿回店里换另一件。

I bought this set of coffee cups for $20. 我花了20美元购买这套咖啡杯。

6. for"面值……"

She handed me a bill for $100. 她给了我一张100美元的帐单。

第1个回答  推荐于2016-07-02
sth of sb 某人的某物
for sb 为了某人
for sth 因为什么的原因
第2个回答  2008-11-15
of是属于的意思 sth of sb 某事属于某人
for是为了的意思sth for sb/sth 某事为了某人&某事
第3个回答  2008-11-17
sorry I don't No
第4个回答  2008-11-16
1. The period between 1905 and 1915 was important one for Einstein.
All for one, and one for all. 人人为我,我为人人。
Smoking is not good for the health. 吸烟有害健康。
2. Einstein received worldwide praise for his scientific research.
She was angry with him for being late. 她生气是因为他迟到。
3. In 1933, Einstein and his family left Europe for the USA.
This ship is for San Francisco. 这艘船是开往旧金山的。
4. ... but asked for very little money.
What is this for? 这是做什么用的?
She does aerobics for her figure. 为了保持身材,她做有氧运动。
5. He once refused to speak on the radio for $1,000 a minute.
She took the blouse back to the store and changed it for another. 她把这件短上衣拿回店里换另一件。
I bought this set of coffee cups for $20. 我花了20美元购买这套咖啡杯。
6. Another time, someone saw him using a cheque for $1,500 as a bookmark.
She handed me a bill for $100. 她给了我一张100美元的帐单。

1: 表示剥夺,除去
clarify the river of flowing rubbish
2: of接直接宾语
remind sb. of his duties
3: of接间接宾语
ask a question of sb
4: of表示人物的特性,籍贯,特性或出生等
He is of Irish descend
5: 固定词组
The room smells of stale cabbage.

Thank you for your book.
It is very good of you to give me the book.
你提到的die of:表示死于“自己的”原因(生病,年老,寒冷,饥饿...)he died of sick.。
也有die for,表示为某事而献身。he died for revolution.
题外话,死于非命,用“be killed”
死于创伤,用“die from”
be afraid of是“是恐怕不能...的”。这里不能用for,否则意思是:“是恐怕不能为了...”。

of和for两个介词可以表示时间,of 表示在一个时期的某段时间里,for 则表示时间的长度(完成时态用得多)。例句:
I was studied very hard in the first year of my college. 我大学的第一年学习很刻苦。
I have worked in this foreign company for ten years.我在这家外国公司工作10年了。