

拜托了 我马上就要交了 !!帮帮忙吧各位!

Hello, my name is...... , I live in...... This year...... Years old, I was a veryquiet girl, I like reading books, because books can bring to my knowledge,can cultivate people's culture, at the same time, I also like English, becauseEnglish can bring me a lot of happiness, my dream is to study abroad, some people may think that some ridiculous, but I think as long as the effort, notwhat can not, I am a girl like that.
So, I will go to my ideal, please cheer for me, OK, I am what I am. A different girl.追问

写的很好 可 这些半分钟能够吗



第1个回答  推荐于2017-08-04
Hello, my name is...... , I live in...... This year...... Years old, I was a very quiet girl, I like reading books, because books can bring to my knowledge, can cultivate people's culture, at the same time, I also like English, because English can bring me a lot of happiness, my dream is to study abroad, some people may think that some ridiculous, but I think as long as the effort, not what can not, I am a girl like that本回答被网友采纳
第2个回答  2013-12-14
I love reading, because books can bring to my knowledge, can cultivate people's culture, at
the same time, I
also like English, because English can
bring me a lot of
happiness, my
ideal is to go
abroad to study, maybe some people think this is absurd, but I believe that as long as the effort, not what can not, I am a a girl like