
21;For people living around the courtyard, the space provides a sense of safety and privacy; the courtyard is a quasi-public space that mediates between the home and the street. For the city at large, the courtyard is an urbane housing type that can fit well into a variety of different settings, including single-family housing.

22;Strangely, almost no such courtyards have been built in Los Angeles since the early 1930s. In recent years, however, Elizabeth Moule and Stefanos Polyzoides, partners in the firm Moule & Polyzoides Architects and Urbanists, have attempted to revive the form with a dozen projects in Southern California.

23;Two of their recent projects are "Seven Fountains" in West Hollywood and "Mission-Meridien," a mixed-use project at a future light-rail station in South Pasadena. They show Moule and Polyzoides trying to adapt the courtyard to modern-day requirements, while issuing an implicit challenge to the building industry about standardization.

24;"Modern architecture is not about style," Polyzoides says. "The original intent of modernism was about solving new problems." Each new site, each budget, must be approached as a new problem, even while preserving the basic typology of the courtyard.

25;Polyzoides and Moule approach architectural design as town planners would. They design the open spaces —— the courtyards, landscaping, and parking,and then arrange the housing units around these conditions. This is key to their nonstandardized approach. The typical developer would arrange the units, usually at the maximum density allowed by zoning, and then afterwards carve out some space for planting, patios, or a central courtyard. Although nearly all small apartment buildings have courtyards of some kind, they are rarely well designed or inviting spaces.

26;In West Hollywood, Moule and Polyzoides have taken a style that might be forgotten —— the Mediterranean style —— and turned out a beautiful, intelligent, supple building, full of formal beauty and surprise. The project attests to Polyzoides' belief that style is secondary to the deeper issues of architectural thinking.

27;Insofar as it is not "abstract," Seven Fountains is not a modernist building. But it is a completely contemporary building, with many unshowy lessons learned from ancients and moderns alike. Here, on a site of 180 by 160 feet (55 by 50 meters), the courtyard typology is used with virtuosity and freedom to create a series of interconnecting courtyards, each with its own character.


22.奇怪的是,几乎没有这样的庭院建成在洛杉矶自1930年代初。但是近年来,伊丽莎白Moule和Polyzoides和作为伙伴的Moule & Polyzoides建筑师和Urbanists ,试图在南加州以恢复的形式恢复十几个项目,


24.“现代建筑不是风格,” Polyzoides说。 “其原意是对现代主义解决新问题。”每一个新网站,每一个预算,必须采取作为一个新的问题,即使是在同时保持基本类型的院子里。

25.Polyzoides和Moule的做法接近乡镇规划师们会做的事情。他们设计的开放空间-庭院,园林,停车,然后安排住房单位围绕这些条件。这是nonstandardized办法的关键所在。典型的开发商通常将安排的单位安排在最大密度允许的分区,然后为种植, patios ,或一个中央庭院开拓出一些空间。虽然几乎所有的小公寓大楼都有庭院的一些实物,但它们很少精心设计或邀请。

26.在西好莱坞, Moule和Polyzoides已经采取了可能会被遗忘的风格-地中海风格-并成为一个美丽,聪明,柔软的建设,以充分的形式表现美和惊喜。该项目证明Polyzoide相信,风格对于深层建筑思想的是次要。

27.就像因为它不是“抽象的”,七喷泉也不是一个现代建设。但是,这完全是一种现代建筑,就像有许多经验教训从古人和现代人是一样的。在这里,在180 160英尺( 55 50米)的场所,庭院的类型是用来与高手和自由创造了一系列相互关联的庭院,每一个都有自己的特点。

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