帮我翻译成英文.谢谢.在线急等 .

也许我们会很长时间不见面了 .
天冷了 ...
王小姐 .
我发现我们的爱变的很淡了 .
我经历不起那撕心裂肺的痛了 ...
变得我有点不认识了 .
对不起 .
那样你也会痛, 不是吗?
宝贝, 如果你知道了这篇文章的意思,请不要生气, 不要伤心, 因为我爱你, 我不想看到你不开心的样子, 请你别对我隐藏了好吗? 别在对我隐瞒什么了.

帮忙翻译成英文, 谢谢, 要是我这种格式的, 最好下面有专业的汉语翻译, 谢谢了, 急....

Eternal love?
Ha ha
Maybe we will not meet for a long time.
The cold weather ...
Miss Wang.
You will love me for a long time it?
I found that our love is the light of the change.
In order to want to tell you, I experienced a lot of pain.
And you do not want to break.
I am a fool, why do you want sad?
I love you, I can not afford to lose you.
Please do not breaking up with me, please?
I can not afford to experience the pain of that Sixinliefei ...
Baby, why do you have so many things I hide?
I still love you for it?
Why do I think you changed.
I do not get to know a little bit.
Ha ha.
Baby, do you know why I wrote it in English?
That is because I do not want to let you feel the pain in my.
As you will be pain, is not it?
Baby, if you know the meaning of this article, please do not angry, not sad, because I love you, I do not want to see that you do not look happy, please do me a good hiding? Do not hidden anything from me A.
第1个回答  2008-12-23
Eternal love?
Perhaps we will not met for a long time.
It's cold.
Miss wang.
Will you love me for a long time?
I found the love we became very pale.
In order to want with you, I experienced a lot of pain.
Don't break up with you again.
I'm a fool, why to let you sad?
I love you very much, I can't lose you.
Please don't break up with me?
I can't bring the tore heart crack lung of painful.
Dear, why do you have so many things not telling me?
You have to my true love?
Why do I think you have changed.
I don't know the becomes.
Excuse me.
Honey, Do you know why I use English to write?
That is because I don't want to let you feel my pain.
那样你也会痛, 不是吗?
So you also will be painful, isn't it?
宝贝, 如果你知道了这篇文章的意思,请不要生气, 不要伤心, 因为我爱你
Dear, if you know the meaning of this article, please don't be angry, don't be sad, because I love you.
我不想看到你不开心的样子, 请你别对我隐藏了好吗? 别在对我隐瞒什么了.
I don't want to see you unhappy for my appearance, please don't hide? Don't hide anything for me.



I believe you!!!!
第2个回答  2008-12-21
Eternal love?
Perhaps we will not met for a long time.
It's cold.
Miss wang.
Will you love me for a long time?
I found the love we became very pale. In order to want with you, I experienced a lot of pain.
Don't break up with you again.
I'm a fool, why to let you sad?
I love you, I can't lose you.
Please don't break up with me?
I can't bring the tore heart crack lung of painful.
Baby, why do you have so many things not telling me?
You have to my true love?
Why do I think you have changed.
I don't know the becomes.
Ha ha.
Excuse me.
Honey, do you know why I use English to write?
That is because I don't want to let you feel my pain.
So you also will be painful, isn't it? Honey, if you know the meaning of this article, please don't be angry, don't be sad, because I love you, I do not want to see you unhappy for my appearance, please don't hide? Don't hide anything for me.
第3个回答  2008-12-21
Eternal love?
Ha ha
Maybe we will not meet for a long time.
The cold weather ...
Miss Wang.
You will love me for a long time it?
I found that our love is the light of the change.
In order to want to tell you, I experienced a lot of pain.
And you do not want to break.
I am a fool, why do you want sad?
I love you, I can not afford to lose you.
Please do not breaking up with me, please?
I can not afford to experience the pain of that Sixinliefei ...
Baby, why do you have so many things I hide?
I still love you for it?
Why do I think you changed.
I do not get to know a little bit.
Ha ha.
Baby, do you know why I wrote it in English?
That is because I do not want to let you feel the pain in my.
As you will be pain, is not it?
Baby, if you know the meaning of this article, please do not angry, not sad, because I love you, I do not want to see that you do not look happy, please do me a good hiding? Do not hidden anything from me A.
第4个回答  2009-01-02
Eternal love? hehe Perhaps we will not met for a long time. It's cold. Miss wang. Will you love me for a long time? I found the love we became very pale. In order to want with you, I experienced a lot of pain. Don't break up with you again. I'm a fool, why to let you sad? I love you, I can't lose you. Please don't break up with me? I can't bring the tore heart crack lung of painful. Baby, why do you have so many things not telling me? You have to my true love? Why do I think you have changed. I don't know the becomes. Ha ha. Excuse me. Honey, do you know why I use English to write? That is because I don't want to let you feel my pain. So you also will be painful, isn't it? Honey, if you know the meaning of this article, please don't be angry, don't be sad, because I love you, I do not want to see you unhappy for my appearance, please don't hide? Don't hide anything for me.