worry about还是be worried about


"worry about" 是表示某人在做担忧的动作,而 "be worried about" 是用来描述某人的担忧状态。

大家可以先看下面的表格了解一下 worry about 和 be worried about 吧:

worry about 和 be worried about 的区别:


- "Worry about" 是一个动词短语,后面通常跟着一个名词或代词,表示担忧、忧虑或关心某事物或情况。

例子1:She is worrying about her upcoming exam. (她正在为即将到来的考试担忧。)

例子2:He always worries about his family's safety. (他总是担心家人的安全。)

- "Be worried about" 是一个形容词短语,后面通常跟着名词或代词,表示被困扰、忧虑或担心某事物或情况。

例子1:She is worried about her upcoming exam. (她对即将到来的考试感到担忧。)

例子2:He is worried about his family's safety. (他对家人的安全感到担忧。)


- "Worry about" 后面通常接名词或代词作宾语。

例子1:I worry about my grades. (我担心我的成绩。)

例子2:They worry about the economy. (他们担心经济状况。)

- "Be worried about" 后面通常接名词或代词作宾语,但它使用了 "be + 过去分词" 结构,表示被动或状态。

例子1:The students are worried about the test results. (学生们对考试结果感到担忧。)

例子2:He is worried about his mother's health. (他对母亲的健康感到担忧。)


- "Worry about" 可以用于各种时态,表示不同时间点的担忧。

例子1:I worried about the presentation yesterday. (昨天我为演示感到担忧。)

例子2:She will worry about the outcome tomorrow. (明天她会为结果担忧。)

- "Be worried about" 通常用于现在进行时或一般现在时,表示当前或长期的担忧状态。

例子1:He is worried about the job interview. (他对面试感到担忧。)

例子2:They are worried about the climate change. (他们对气候变化感到担忧。)


- "Worry about" 更强调行为动作,即担忧的行为。

例子1:Stop worrying about the future and focus on the present. (停止担忧未来,专注于现在。)

例子2:She often worries about things that are beyond her control. (她经常为那些超出她控制范围的事情担忧。)

- "Be worried about" 更强调感情状态,即处于担忧的状态。

例子1:He is constantly worried about his financial situation. (他一直为自己的财务状况担忧。)

例子2:The parents were worried about their missing child. (父母对失踪的孩子感到担忧。)
