

The family is the basic unit of blood or marriage, adoption of social organization. The family is an important part of human social. The family has family values, family values is the leading family changes. The concept of family including marriage, morality and law concept. In any country, family is an important social unit, the influence can not be ignored and the role of family relationship to the people and people, people and society. Peoples of the East and the West because of cultural traditions and values of different, showing a lot of difference in the family concept.

The differences between the 1 western family structure

The Chinese people attach great importance to the relationship between blood relatives, therefore, the main characteristics of the Chinese family structure is the big family. Modern Chinese society has two major family structure: nuclear families and extended family. A pair of couples with children, two generation family called core family; three and even four generations of the family is the extended family.

By comparison, Westerners about blood relationship and not so much chinese. In western countries, the nuclear family occupies the absolute dominant position, while the extended family very little, in addition, there are single parent families, single parent families, cohabitation families form. People pay more and more attention to the "nuclear family", while the three generation, lineal relatives by blood and collateral relatives by blood beyond two generation is indifferent.

The differences between the 2 western family values

Due to the family structure, family values were different.

China has five thousand years of history of civilization, the precipitation many excellent culture, also spread a lot of good habits and customs, the Chinese traditional idea of the family is contained in the culture and habits. In Chinese ancient and modern society, the concept of family firm has to maintain social stability has played a big role, also gave birth to many classical virtues, such as care for the young, harmony of couples, neighborhood unity, still, thrifty, the traditional family concept of Chinese social order has played a role in maintaining the great. However, with the development and change of social environment makes the original family unit is destroyed, personal growth experiences in traditional concept also changes with the times. The original multigenerational phenomenon is rarely exist, replace sb. Is often keep house the next generation, the family unit has not directly represents a family. However, Chinese family values are affected by the traditional family values, the Chinese family values is still strong, the blood relationship, family ethics, is ingrained in the brain, parents, children always one family.

In the Chinese family, has been pursuing a tradition of respect for the elderly. Old people often suffer from family, society is respect. In the Chinese family, the children at a young age dependent on their parents, parents for home made many personal sacrifices, they want their children to obey. When children grow up the responsibility to take care of their parents, but in some cases will continue to rely on their parents.

Historically, Chinese family values is very strong, family consciousness is strong, for example the simplest example -- Chinese name, the first general is the family name, and then is the name, name often have a same generation of unified using sign used to living word, name as a symbol of family and family, Chinese put him in the front, on behalf of his name on the back, in a side also proved that in the eyes of the Chinese people, the family is much higher than that of their own, to have a family, after their.

By comparison, Westerners about blood relationship and not Chinese so seriously. The foundation of Western society in the personal, Western cultural values of individualism is the core. Praise the value of people, to promote human dignity and the free development of personality. In western families, the relationship between parents and children is more equal. There is not much dependence relation between children and parents, the children after school don't live at home, the young man is proud to stand on one's own. The old parents not to depend on their children as children, also does not have the responsibility to support their parents, both sides does not have so many obligations and responsibilities in the family, the relationship between parents and children equal.

Social and family to treat the elderly can still reflect the independence and individualism. Their financial support usually consists of social welfare and health system to reduce the family to rely on. In general, the elderly will find their own friends instead of relying on their children emotionally. The United States of America's parents did not send their children to stay filial thoughts, they encourage adult children to live independently, that once their children marry and settle down as behoove should move out. In most western countries, the elderly pension after real homes and welfare institutions spend, American society in general are for young people. This reflects the difference of family concept of the West from the other side.

Differences between western family values in comparison, not to judge who is good and who is not good, but to understand the differences, look different, a better understanding of the western culture. Any national culture has its own characteristics, are worth learning place other nationalities. The differences between the Chinese and Western family values, to some extent reflects the Chinese and Western cultural traditions of different, nothing is absolutely good or bad. Culture is the same, culture is not good or bad, should recognize, respect and learn different cultures.