

第1个回答  2022-12-18



  Nowadays, there is a trend that reports of media focus on problems and emergencies rather than positive developments. Some people think it is harmful to individuals and  what extent do you agree or disagree?



  这是一篇媒体话题类大作文,题目类型为Opinion Question 观点型。






  The current phenomenon of media overly focus on reporting issues and emergencies rather than positive developmentshave turned the spotlight on whether it is a positive or negative  me,this could be beneficial for individuals but might be harmful to society as a whole.

  Receiving accurate information of emergencies and problems could give individuals warnings. For instance, informuion including environmental problems such as air pollution is vital to pass on to the public through media. Without such information, people might keep polluting the environment until there is no solution and the world would become unlivable. Besides , delivering important emergency warnings in time could save people's lives. For example,in China,  thousands of people evacuated in time before the flood came in June 1998 merely because tv and radios broadcasted the emergency warning the night before the flooding. Therefore, delivering information regards to issues and emergencies is beneficial to individuals.

  However,media's overly focus on pmblems and emergencies could lead to panic and chaos in society. There is a board consensus that public panic could result in unnecessary catastrophic chaos in society. Take the incident in Wuxi China as an example. In July 2014, a reporter in a local TV station reported a story about how the local factory has polluted the water source by pouring toxic chemicals into the river. Overnight, all the bottled water in the supermarkets was cleared out by local residents. Some people, misled by the media and filled with fears, even started a fight with the others in a shop over a bottle of water. That incident led to twenty-five adults and one child injured. Later the government issued a statement indicating that the amount of chemicals poured in the river was so small that it could not cause any serious health damage to human bodies. Accordingly, it is the media which spreading rumors about emergencies and problems that could harm the society.

  In a nutshell,delivering reports which focus on problems and emergencies could be advantageous to individuals, nevertheless, it could also be harmful to society as a whole.








  The current phenomenon of media overly ❶focusfocusing on reporting issues and emergencies rather than positive developments ❷ have hasturned the spotlight onwhether it is a positive or negative trend.主观点❸To me In my opinion,this could be beneficial for individuals but might be harmful to society as a whole.


  ❶动词形式使用错误,真正的谓语动词为 turned,此处应使用动名词形式。

  ❷该句的主语为the phenomenon,谓语动词应使用单数形式,改为has;

  ❸ To me 属于非正式的口语化用语,应改为正式性语言In my opinion;

  亮点:turned the spotlight on 把焦点集中在......



  论点1Receiving accurate information ❶ofabout emergencies and problems could ❷givehelp warnindividuals and enable them to prepare ings. For instance,information ❸ includingregardingenvironmental problems such as air pollution is vital to pass on to the public through ❹the media. Without such information, people might keep polluting the environment until there is no solution and the world ❺ would becomebecomes unlivable.论点2❻Besides,In addition,delivering important emergency warnings in time could save people's  example,in China, thousands of people ❼ wereevacuated(v. 疏散;撤出)in timebefore theaflood camehitin June 1998 merely because ❽ tvtelevisions and radios broadcasted the emergency warning the night before the efore,delivering information ❾withregard toissues and emergencies is beneficialto individuals.


  ❶ about用在这里更恰当。

  ❷ 原句过于笼统,改动后的信息更加具体和完整。

  ❸ 根据句意,regarding更为合适;

  ❹ the media特指的是一个集合名词,包括电视、报纸、其他传播信息的形式,应该使用冠词the;

  ❺ 时态要前后统一,这句前面用的是there is 为一般现在时,所以后面应该保持时态一致。

  ❻ besides 属于非正式用语,不适合用于学术写作中,应该为in addition;

  ❼ 根据句意,应该是“人被疏散”,所以增加be动词were;因为具体指的是1998年的一次洪水,所以用不定冠词a; 洪水等自然灾难来袭,用hit比较地道;

  ❽ 首先TV应该大写,其次在正式写作中,不应使用缩略简称等形式,应该使用书面语;

  ❾ with regard to 为固定搭配,adv.关于;至于;




  论点1However,the media's ❶overly focusover-focus on pmblems and emergencies could lead to panic and chaos in e is a ❷boardbroad consensusthat public panic could result in ❸unnecessary catastrophic chaos in societypeople being injured or even  the incident in Wuxi,China,as an  July 2014, a reporter in a local TV station reported a story about how ❹ thealocal factory ❺hashadpolluted the water source by pouring toxic chemicals into the river. Overnight,all the bottled water in the supermarkets was cleared out by local residents(精彩句子) people, misled by the media and filled with fears,even started a fight ❻with the othersin a shop over a bottle of water. ❼ThatThisincident led to ❽twenty-five25 adults and one child ❾ being injured. Later,the government issued a statement indicating that the amount of chemicals poured in the river was so small that it could not cause any serious health damage to human bodies. ➓ Accordingly,it is the media whichspreading rumors about emergencies and problems thatcould harm thesociety.


  ❶ 前面为名词所有格's形式,后面应为名词性成分,而overly focus为动词形式,所以应改为over-focus;

  ❷ 词语混淆错误,很多考生都容易将一些形近词误用,再次提醒大家写作时务必要注意区别,拼写准确;broad consensus 是常用搭配,表示"广泛共识"的意思。

  ❸ 这一句与前面的句子太相似,语意重复,应该使用多样化的表达,进行同义替换;另外catastrophic chaos有“词语堆砌”之感,不是native speaker常用的地道表达,应改成具体生动的信息。

  ❹ 因为并没有特指某一家工厂,而且当地不仅一家工厂,所以是泛指,应使用不定冠词a;

  ❺ 该句是指过去的报道,根据句意应该使用过去完成时。

  ❻ with the others在这里没有必要,可去掉;

  ❼ that不太正式,并且在英语中一般常使用指示代词this来描述所说的事件,更加客观;


  ❾ being injured表示受伤这种状态;

  ➓ which在这里是多余的;另外这里并没有具体指一个社会,应该去掉定冠词the;



  In ❶a nutshellconclusion,delivering reports ❷whichthat focus on problems and emergencies could beadvantageousto individuals❸;nevertheless,it could also be harmful to society as a whole.


  ❶ 这是一个非正式短语,在学术写作中尽量避免使用习语和一些陈词滥调的表达。

  ❷ 关于which和that,非特殊条件下,中国学生一般习惯互换,但其实两者之间还是有使用差别的,用which时,表示你说的情况适用于你谈论的所有事物;而用that时,只适用于你说的一些事物;


  All Dalmatians(n. 斑点狗),whichhave spots, are good pets.

  这个句子中,我们知道斑点狗都有斑点,这里用which表达适用于所说的事物;并且whichhave spots和主语用逗号隔开;

  Dogsthathave spots are good pets.


  作文中,delivering reports 后面所说的情况是部分类型的报道,因此应使用that。

  ❸ 两种观点间应用分号隔开。







