In today's society, the Internet has made its way into almost every home. It is a well-known fact that the web is a valuable asset for research and learning. Unfortunately, it can also be a very dangerous place for teens. It’s clear that, for teenagers, spending too much time online can really deter social and educational development. The Internet world is such that there is always something new to do and to distract one from one’s responsibilities. There is nothing wrong with using the Internet as a tool for research, news, and even entertainment. After all, the World Wide Web is the world’s most accurate, up-to-date resource for almost any type of information. But it grows increasingly easier to develop a dependency on it. This is especially true for teens—a group that tends to be susceptible to flashy graphics. In a sense, the Internet is the new video game or TV show. Although they may have good intentions, they might be at risk of encountering something inappropriate and even dangerous. To solve the problem, we should start by limiting the amount of time they spend online. If he or she is accustomed to spending eight hours per weeknight on the Internet, try limiting use in the first week to six hours per night and working steadily down. Encourage them to go to social events. And with love and attention from parents, teens can and will learn to disengage—even if it takes some time.
在当今社会,互联网已经进入家家户户。众所周知,互联网是研究和学习的宝贵资源。不幸的是,对于青少年来讲,它也可以是非常危险的。显然,青少年花费太多时间上网的确真的对孩子的社交和教育有妨碍。互联网世界就是这样,总是有一些新的东西在吸引人们的注意力。使用互联网进行研究、看新闻、甚至娱乐,这并没有什么错。毕竟,互联网能提供世界上最准确的、最新的、几乎包罗万象的信息资源。但是它也能让人们对它产生越来越大的依赖。往往受到五彩斑斓的图像吸引的青少年更是如此。从某种意义上说,互联网是新的视频游戏或电视节目。虽然都出自良好的愿望,他们在上网时可能会遇到一些不适当的,甚至是危险的风险。为了解决这问题,我们应册蠢该从限制他们的上网时间开始做。如果孩子每晚已经习惯于在互联网上花费8小时,那么在第一周,尽量把他们的上网时间限制在每晚6小时,慢慢稳步减少。鼓励他们参加社会活动。有了父母的爱和关注,青少年可以并且一定能脱离对网络的沉迷——- 即使它需要一些时间。