动词后面怎样区分是加to do sth 还是doing sth

老师会经常说XXX to do sth 又会讲doing sth


1、doing sth. 一般就是已经完成,一般现在时。 

如:She couldn’t help envying Helen. 


2、而to do sth.前面是sb.(某人),表示要去做某事。

如:He couldn’t help to wash the clothes. 



1、doing sth. 一般是正在进行时,或将来。(也有些是正在进行时表将来的),diong sth. 前面要在sb.(某人)后面加be动词(am\is\are) 

2、而to do sth.不用。


1、to do 表示尚未完成,或将要做。

2、doing 表示已经完成

比如 remenber to do sth 记得要做什么事,remenber doing sth 记得做过什么事。

第1个回答  推荐于2017-09-29
to do sth. 一般就是已经完成,一般现在时。 而且to do sth.前面是sb.(某人)。

doing sth. 一般是正在进行时,或将来。(也有些是正在进行时表将来的)而diong sth. 前面要在sb.(某人)后面加be动词(am\is\are) 而to do sth.不用。
对于实用性动词,to do 表示尚未完成,或将要做;doing 表示 已经完成
比如 remenber to do sth 记得要做什么事,remenber doing sth 记得做过什么事
这一类的词语还有forget、stop、regret、try、mean、propose、go on
对于 like /love/hate/ prefer 等词语,to do 表示具体行为;doing sth 表示抽象、倾向概念
例:I like playing basketball,but I don't like to play it today.
对于 need, want, deserve 等词,动名词表被动意义同义于不定式被动态.
例: My bicycle needs repairing = My bicycle needs to be repaired
对于感官动词 see、watch等,doing表示正在发生的事,to do表示整个过程(to要省略)
例:I saw him dancing. 我看见他正在跳舞.(表示看的瞬间)
I saw him dance. 我看见他跳舞(整个过程)
对于finish、 enjoy、consider、imagine、keep、dely、mind、practise、suggest、risk、quit在一般情况下都只能用 doing.
第2个回答  2020-03-18

    主动句中有些动词+宾语+to do,这类动词除以下外还有advise, allow, believe, cause, command, enable, encourage, entitle, force, invite, order, persuade, remind, show, teach, tell.

    例:The police warned everyone to stay inside with their windows closed. (不能The police warned to stay...)

    其它动词则不能在to do前放宾语,比如agree, consent, fail, hope, manage, offer, pretend, refuse, start, threaten, volunteer

    例:We've decided to leave early. (不能是We've decided us to leave early.)

    有些动词后面,宾语+to do前面必须放介词,通常是for,这类动词有advertise, campaign, long, plan, wait,注意在apply和campaign后面的to do通常用被动

    例:They arranged for Rania to stay in London. (不能是They arrenged Rania to stay...)

    They applied for the court appearance to be postponed.

    其它动词可以后接各种介词+宾语+to do。例如

    at+宾语+to do (go on《译为持续数落》,keep on, scream, shout, yell)

    例:I shouted at the man to open the door.

    on+宾语+to do (call《译为正式要求某人做某事》,count, depend, prevail, rely)

    例:We're depending on you to find a solution soon.

    to+宾语+to do(appeal, gesture, motion, signal)

    例:He closed the door and signalled to the pilot to take off.

    动词后面还可以跟其它的to do和doing形式

    动词+否定to do和否定doing

    例:We decided not to go to Paris after all. 

    Some of my friends have considered not going to college because of the cost. 

    动词+to have+过去分词,这种形式通常是用在对过去发生的某件事提供意见(尤其是和seem和appear连用),或者报到过去发生的事件(通常跟动词被动式is/was alleged, believed, said, thought)

    例:The accident seems to have happened at around 1 pm yesterday.

    Simmons is alleged to have assaulted a police officer. 

    动词+having+过去分词,常见于admit, deny, forget, recall, regret和remember,和动词+doing意思相近

    例:I now regret buying the car=I now regret having bought the car.

第3个回答  2008-10-09
to do sth. 一般就是已经完成,一般现在时。 而且to do sth.前面是sb.(某人)。

doing sth. 一般是正在进行时,或将来。(也有些是正在进行时表将来的)而diong sth. 前面要在sb.(某人)后面加be动词(am\is\are) 而to do sth.不用。

第4个回答  2008-09-29
这个主要是自己记住,背下来,有的是只加to do 形式,有的只能加doing,有的词后面既可以加to do 有可以加doing sth,这都是固定搭配。你背下来就是了