

Detective Conan, is a Japanese detective manga series written and illustrated by Gosho Aoyama and is serialized in Weekly Shōnen
Sunday since 1994.The story follows the adventures of Kudo Shinichi, a prodigious young detective who was inadvertently transformed

into a child due to a poison.
The manga has been adapted into an animated television series produced by TMS Entertainment which is still ongoing in Japan as it

adapts the story from the manga. The series has also spawned eleven original video animations, thirteen animated feature films, and

many video games.

Kudo Shinichi, a 17-year-old high school prodigy and detective who frequently worked with the police, was attacked by two members
of a mysterious crime syndicate while investigating a case regarding blackmail. He was then forced to take a newly developed

experimental poison that was supposed to kill him, but due to a rare side-effect unknown to the two men, the drug transformed his

body back into that of his seven-year-old self instead, after they left him for dead. In order to hide his identity and investigate

the whereabouts of the syndicate, which he later finds out is called the Black Organization, he adopts the pseudonym Conan Edogawa.

To search for leads to the syndicate, he manages to move in with his childhood friend Rachel Moore, whose father Richard Moore

works as a private investigator.

mori ran, is Shinichi's best friend since elementary school. Both are in love with one another but neither have the courage to

admit their feelings.
She is skilled in martial arts and is the captain of her karate team, though her resolve can be easily broken if she has to face

anything related with the horror genre.
She spends most of her home life looking after Conan and her irresponsible father.

Mori Kogoro is ran's father, a former police officer turned incompetent private detective.
He was married to Kisaki Eri, a successful lawyer and childhood friend, but now they are living separately.Despite his

irresponsible ways, he appears to care deeply for his daughter, and at times shows some flashes of honor and strict ethics.

Apart from them,still there have many other lively characters in the manges and animations.Such as the members of the black
Organization,members of the young detective group formed by Conan in the elementary school,all of those are friends and enemies of

Just discover it in the animation!And don't forget,the 13th animated feature film is coming on show in china,hope you will
enjoy it in the cinema.
第1个回答  2010-01-15
Hello everyone, today I will introduce the U.S. are Yamaguchi. He was born in 1965 who had stage actor, now the major occupation are(voice actor), a lot of people called him "president", but most prefer FANS called him "Monkey." He is most recognized throughout Japan voice actor, although already 44-year-old uncle, but still maintained a Child's personality, like his voice, as known as "juvenile Forever." Yamaguchi have a happy home, he and his wife have a daughter and a son. Although Mr. Yamaguchi dubbing many people are below the 20-year-old juvenile, but we can still him at different periods of time to listen to the works of Aging. Just as we listen to, "Ranma 1 / 2" in the voice of Ranma and "Inuyasha" in the voice of Inuyasha could hear an obvious difference. The contrast in 1996, "Detective Conan" The first one "roller coaster murder case" in the voice of Kudo new one with this year's 521 collection "murderer? Kudo new one," the voice of a new one, FANS also can not help feeling , Monkey old are you really ah.
Yamaguchi can be said to be evergreen Japanese anime industry, from 1989 to the present 24-year-old 44-year-old, he has been interpreted with a lively, sunny, kind, blood image of the juvenile. One of the most familiar to everyone I am afraid, is "Detective Conan" in the stealth hero, high school detective Kudo new one, as well as claims under the moonlight talent magician kaito Kidd villains, in fact, I Kidd is a cute high school students, Doo-called quick Kurobane.
The following, please appreciate the U.S., Mr. Yamaguchi's voice touching it.
第2个回答  2010-01-15
Ladies and gentleman,
All I want to say,Is
I Love Detective Conan,
He is so handsome !

That's all,Thank you!


第3个回答  2010-01-15