

成长的烦恼 成长,就好比我人生中的一艘小船,行驶在波面上。有时风平浪静,有时也会遇到汹涌澎湃的海浪。但我的成长之舟,并不是一帆风顺的,其中也经历着各种风波。对我而言,酸甜苦辣咸,样样都有。 现在,因为我长大了,正在变成大人,所以在家长眼中,我已不再是小孩了,已变得有意识,有胆量,有知识了。有时,他们东一句“你已经长大了!”西一句“你不再是小孩了!”听得我头都疼了。现在的我无论做什么事,自己都要先认好“罗盘针”,都必须要有原则在身,不能马虎完成,也不能粗心对待,如果稍有差池,随时都会招来暴风雪。
Growing pains
Growing pains to grow up, like a boat in my life, driving the wave surface. Sometimes,be in smooth water, sometimes will meet surging waves. But the boat I was growing up,and not Everything is going smoothly., which is also experiencing a variety of storms.For me, sour, sweet, bitter, hot salty, everything. Now, as I grow up, are becoming adults, so in the eyes of parents, I was no longer a kid, has become conscious, havecourage, have knowledge. Sometimes, they East "you've grown up!" The Westernsaying "you are no longer a child!" My head aches. Now whatever I do, I mustrecognize "the compass", must have a principle in the body, can not be sloppycompleted, also cannot careless treatment, if slightly different, will always bring a snow storm.
Recall their own small, life is so relaxed, carefree, free, do not worry him. But with the passage of time, in front of the waves are bigger, and more twists and turns the sea, I become a school, that I have gone past the. I'm tall, to go to school for a long time,increasing the homework, study more subjects, my shoulders more weight on her bag,the heart also increasing pressure. If it is a small time, I am wrong no matter what happened, no one to blame me, then parents plus for me when the "wizard". But now Ihave grown up, sensible, and should meet the independence, all work must be careful, think twice. This child that day leisurely compared gradually apart.
When I was small, as my children, although the life to be more comfortable, but I have all being affected by their elders and others constraints, walk, it is doped with parents;fall, held on to their parents. But I know, grown up in their own, I became an adult, anda child is different. Now I'm like, is gradually growing, and everything I have a mind of your own.
The sunshine after the rain, do not experience wind and rain, how successful? The growth of my boat, although traffic was unstable, there is calm, but also the surging waves, but it is a wide variety of sea, let me learn a lot, a lot of exercise to. Through the growth of my journey, I truly understand that the growth has some trouble, but there is more happiness.