

triple的读音:英音  ['trɪpl] ,美音  [ˈtrɪpəl]  

triple 三倍的,三重的tri-, 三,-ple,倍数,词源同 fold,treble.triple 的用法和双语例句“点击”或“选中”例句中的单词,就可以看到词义解释

So the british have launched a campaign to triple the number of chinese visitors by 2015 .

因此英国发起了一项运动,目标到2015年让赴英旅行的中国游客数量翻三倍。Three years after the financial crisis erupted , the world faces the triple challenge of growth , debt and bank instability .

在金融危机爆发三年之后,全球面临着增长、债务和银行状况不稳定这三重挑战。The triple meltdown at fukushima a year ago was the world 's worst nuclear accident since the disaster at chernobyl in the ukraine in 1986 .
