

1. 英联盟的全体公民都受联盟法律的约束。
All citizens of the United Kingdom are ruled by the laws thereof.
2. 她的热心感动了我们全体。
Her fervor moved all of us.
3. 全体会员都被要求出席这次晚会。
It is requested that all members be present at the party.
4. 我们应该全体讨论班级活动。
We must discuss the class activities in a body.
5. 全体船员集合!
All hands on deck!
6. 对全体学生的功课作出连贯性的评定。
Continuous assessment is made of all students' work.
7. 工会领袖号召抗议那天全体会员积极参加.
Union leaders called for the active participation of all members in the day of protest.
8. 这些优异的成绩给我们全体工作人员带来了莫大的光荣.
These excellent results reflect great credit on all our staff.

第1个回答  2016-06-04


    冠词的放法,只需记住all the和the whole,例句

    1). All the students went on a picnic except John because he was sick that day.

    2). The moving love story touched the whole world.


    1). We all should leave the classroom.(也可以用All of us)

    2). You all stand up! (也可以用All of you)

   3. all在定语从句中经常用作先行词(中心词),后面的引导词只能用that,也可省略,例句

       1). All (that) you need to do is have some rest, for you look so tired.

       2). You must thank me some day  for all (that) I do for you today.

注意,从语法的角度来讲,上面第3点里面的句子中all (that)在任何情况下都可以换成what,千万不要两个混在一起用!