【反意疑问句用法浅析】 反意疑问句的用法归纳


第1个回答  2023-01-18
  摘 要:反意疑问句常用来提出情况或看法,询问对方同意与否。这种问句都由两部分组成,前一部分用陈述句的形式,后一部分是一个附着在前一部分上的简短问句。   关键词:反意疑问句 陈述部分 疑问部分 肯定 否定
  1. 陈述部分(肯定式)+疑问部分(否定式)
  a. You are a doctor,aren’t you?
  b. Peter likes swimming,doesn’t he?
  c. Your mother went to the cinema yesterday, didn’t she?
  2. 陈述部分(否定式)+疑问部分(肯定式)
  a. They aren’t playing basketball,are they?
  b. We can’t take the books out,can we?
  c. Betty hasn’t been to the Great Wall,has she?
  3. 陈述部分(肯定式)+疑问部分(肯定式)
  a. He likes the present,does he?
  4. 陈述部分(否定式)+疑问部分(否定式)
  a. So you don’t want to go there,don’t you?
  a. You’re going shopping,aren’t you? 你去买东西,是吧?
  Yes,I am.是的,我去买东西。No,I am not. 不,我不去买东西。
  b. You don’t study French,do you? 你们不学法语,是吗?
  Yes,we do.不,我们学法语。No,we don’t. 是的,我们不学法语。
  1. 当陈述部分带有如never、seldom、hardly、few、little、nobody、no one、nothing、neither、nowhere等否定或半否定词或是too...to...句型时,后面的疑问部分用肯定形式。
  a. She never dances,does she?
  b. Few people understand him,do they?
  2. 当陈述部分的词带有否定前缀时,虽然这类词具有否定含义,但该陈述部分仍被看作肯定句,后面的反意疑问部分用否定形式。
  a. Mary disagreed to this plan,didn’t she?
  b. It is unfair,isn’t it?
  3. 当在口语或和非正式文体中为加强语气,仅是表示讥讽、轻蔑、反感情感或是带有威吓的口吻时,陈述和疑问部分的肯定、否定是一致的。
  a. You wanted to be king,did you?
  b. You won’t do it,won’t you?
  4.当陈述部分的主语是everyone、everybody、someone、somebody、anyone、anybody、no one等表示人的不定代词时,后面的疑问部分主语常用they,在正式文体中也可用he。
  a. Everybody is here,aren’t they?
  b. Nobody knows the matter,doesn’t he?
  a. Everything here is beautiful,isn’t it?
  b. Nothing could be done to stop commotion,couldn’t it?
  6. 当陈述部分的主语是指示代词this、that时,后面的疑问部分主语用it;若是指示代词these、those时,疑问部分主语则用they。
  a. This isn’t a good idea,is it?
  b. Those are your patients,aren’t they?
  7. 当陈述部分的主语是代词one时,疑问部分的主语在正式场合用one,在非正式场合用也可用he。
  a. One can’t be so rude,can one?
  b. One should be faithful to the party,shouldn’t he?
  8. 当陈述部分的主语是I,且句子又是用来征询对方意见时,后面疑问部分的主语用you。
  a. I want to go hunting,don’t you?
  b. I don’t like this dress,do you?
  9. 当陈述部分是“I’m...”的结构,后面疑问部分用aren’t I。
  a. I’m a qualified employee,aren’t I?
  b. I’m always right,aren’t I?
  10.当陈述句是“there be”结构时,后面疑问部分也用there。
  a. There is a large hall,isn’t there?
  b. There won’t be any film tomorrow morning,will there?
  11. 当陈述部分的主语是动词不定式短语,动名词短语或其他短语时,后面疑问部分的主语用it。
  a. Whether she will come to dinner is not sure,is it?
  b. Building a ship costs a large amount of money,doesn’t it?
  12. 当陈述部分是祈使句时
  ①当陈述部分是祈使句时,后面疑问部分用will/won’t you,would you、can/can’t you、could you,最常用的是will/won’t.
  a. Stop talking,won’t you?
  b. Don’t be late any longer,will you?
  ②当祈使句以Let’s开头时,后面疑问部分用shall we。
  a. Let’s have some coffee,shall we?
  b. Let’s help each other,shall we?
  ③当祈使句以Let us或Let me开头,意义上往往不包括对方在内时,后面疑问部分用will you。
  a. Let us know if you need help,will you?
  b. Let me carry the box,will you?
  13. 当陈述部分是含有宾语从句的主从复合句时
  a. They know that I won’t go,don’t they?
  b.She didn’t tell Tom that she had bought a new car,did she?
  a. I believe you are innocent,aren’t you?
  b. We don’t think he is a honest man,is he?
  14. 当陈述部分是并列句时,后面疑问部分的主语和谓语动词通常与最临近的分句的主语和谓语动词保持一致。
  a. She is a lawyer,but her brother is a driver,isn’t he?
  b.Jenny has gone to London,but she will be in Japan in a week,won’t she?
  a. I wish to have a computer as my birthday present,may I?
  b. I wish I were you,may I?
  16. 当陈述句中含有used to 时,后面疑问部分用usedn’t或didn’t。
  a. Davis used to stay up late,usedn’t he? 或didn’t he?
  b.You used to be a football player,didn’t you? 或 usedn’t you?
  17. 当陈述部分带有情态动词must时
  a. You must arrive there in three hours,mustn’t you?
  b. I must keep silent,mustn’t I?
  a. Carol must be at home now,isn’t she?
  b. You must have worked in the plant for a long time,haven’t you?
  18. 当陈述部分中含有have时
  a. They have a lot of rare books,haven’t they?
  b. Miller hasn’t a watch,does he?
  a. You have tea at four,don’t you?
  b. He had a bad cold,didn’t he?
  ③当陈述部分是have got to时,后面疑问部分用have。
  a. You’ve got to set off now,haven’t you?
  b. We’ve got to clean all the rooms,haven’t we?
  ④当陈述部分是had better时,后面疑问部分用had。
  a. You’d better take along a coat,hadn’t you?
  b. We’d better ring him up again later,hadn’t we?
  19. 感叹句后面的附加疑问部分的动词要用否定形式,其后疑问部分的主语和动词应和感叹句相一致。
  a. What a beautiful girl,isn’t she?
  b. How quiet a place,isn’t it?