

  I. Sentences(句子理解) (共 5 小题; 每小题 1分,计 5分)
  1—5 ACBCB
  II. Responses(问句应答) (共 5 小题; 每小题 1分,计 5 分)
  6—10 BACDC
  III. Dialogues(对话理解) (共 10小题; 每小题 1分,计 10分)
  A) 11—15 BCADB
  B) 16—20 DBCCB
  IV. Passages(短文理解) (共 10 小题; 每题 1 分,计 10分)
  A) 21—25 BCACD
  B) 26.a footballer 27. three times 28. every day 29. them all 30. 35 / thirty-five
  I. Multiple-choice(选择填空) (共 15 小题; 每小题 1分,计 15 分)
  31—35 BCCAD 36—40 DBACD 41—45 CBABD
  II援 Reading comprehension(阅读理解) (共 20 小题; 46-55题每小题 1 分, 56-65 题每小题 2 分,计 30 分)
  A) 46—50 CDBAD
  B) 51—55 FTFFT
  56. too busy 57. important/good and warm; together 58. care about / love
  59. bake cookies 60. buy the house
  61. One day in August.
  62. They don't want their shops to be covered with tomato juice.
  63. People use 125,000 kilograms of tomatoes in Tomatina.
  64. It lasts 2 hours.
  III援 Cloze(完形填空) (共 15 小题, 每小题 1分,计 15 分)
  A) 66. diet 67. drinking 68. lunch 69. example 70. good
  71. put 72. hungry 73. really 74. much 75. simple
  B) 76. hear 77. house 78. photo 79. twice 80. light
  IV. Sentences pattern transformation(句式转换) (共 5小题, 每小题 2 分,计 10分)
  81. so tired; can not 82. not as sweet as 83. How long did; cough
  84. How terrible 85. Was there any; or
  V. Translation(翻译) (共 5 小题, 每小题 2分,计 10 分)
  86. 迟做总比不做好。
  87. 人类要实现世界和平还有很长的路要走。
  88. Whether or not one succeeds depends on how much one tries.
  89. Chinese athletes won 38 gold medals in 2012 London Olympics.
  90. I decide to (do a) survey about traffic accidents in winter vacation.
  VI. Sentences formation(连词成句)( 共 5 小题, 每小题 1分,计 5 分)
  91. Do you want to see my collection of stamps?
  92. My friend Ruth is quite different from me.
  93. We can learn more things by reading.
  94. One should eat less and exercise more to keep healthy.
  95. I usually do some cleaning on weekends.
  VII. Dialogues completion(补全对话)(共 5 小题, 每小题 1分,计 5分)
  96—100 GBACE
  VIII援 IQ(智力测试) (共五小题, 每小题 1分,计 5 分)
  101. 华而不实的东西; 摆设; 累赘 102. Ona map 103. knew; new 104.A 105.C
  101.a white elephant 作为一个短语译为华而不实的东西、 摆设、 累赘。
  102. 此题是一个谜语, 答案为地图。
  103. 此题要求根据语境写出同音不同意、 不同写法的两个词。 此题按其要求应填 knew (know 的过去式)
  104. 和数字有关的题需找到其规律, 11 的平方是 121, 据此, 13的平方是 169, 因此选 A。
  105. 此题应先找出例图变化的规律。例图是将上面两个小图颠倒, 将最下面一个图颜色变黑。根据这
  一规律, 此题选 C。
  陨载. Writing (作文) (共 2 小题; A 题满分 10分; B 题满分 15分,计 25 分)
  A) One possible version:
  This weather map shows what the weather is like in Europe today. In England, it is windy and cold. In Scotland
  it is even snowing and cold. In Ireland it is rainy and cold. But in Turkey, the weather is good. In fact, it is very
  hot and sunny. In Italy, it is cloudy. For me, I enjoy sunny days very much because I like the sunshine. I can
  also play outside with friends in good weather.
  B) One possible version:
  Dear Sir or Madam,
  I'm happy to learn that the winter camp will be held in Hainan this winter. Please let me know when
  the winter camp will be held. How can I take part in the winter camp? I want to give you advice. There should
  bea welcome party on the first day of the campers' arrival, because a lot of students from different places will
  take part in the English winter camp. Campers can relax from their long journey and get to know each other easily. I hope the winter
  camp is successful, and I look forward to hearing from you soon. Thank you
  My best wishes,
  Angel, Wang Qi











61.This is a competition open to the whole country.
62.They must write a 100-word essay called "How I would Changed the word"and sign their address and age.
63.(那个符号打不出来)10 presents and a special Smarties toy.
64.The children's school.
65.The top ten.








