


Fashion show is the stage art closest to life. In this way, it not only means that fashion plays an important guiding role in people's life, but also means that the actions in fashion show are taken from life, faithful to life and higher than life.


第1个回答  2015-02-12
Then on Sunday, we show started! Dozens of students of the class, but will attend.
The first is me. Clothes I was wearing a black and white grid, dressed in plain clothes can no longer ordinary grid, is those red shoes, feel is a word: beautiful! But the score is extremely low. Averaged less than three points, about the two points. I flew back down, ready to play again. This time, I wore a blue gown, dressed in white tights, this is a mother to wash the result of three or four times, with the smell of the washing powder? Shoes to wear sneakers, innovative style. Now, xiaobo eyebrows, hey! Is really good, I this antique dress for I earned a score of 7 points!
The next is my deskmate, crooked came to power. Wore his black sweater, dressed in brown and white striped pants and shoes are very pointed a olive cloth shoes, still with some heels! I amazed to see on the show of deskmate, reluctantly played six points. I also with the wind, a dozen friend played four or five points. He is scored an average of four points.
Then the elegance and myriad Fan Xilin. She wore bright red sweater, the waist with a gold belt, the triangular "dashan" on his belt, the middle is a heart-shaped belt buckle. Private parts is a short skirt, golden yellow skirt, dark blue skirt and wavy grain, about three or four way of the black stripe in the middle. Wearing a black leather shoes, good-looking. Now, the input to, average up not down, only up to nine points.
Xue tao, a fourth is sleeveless is wearing in the green vest, with deep blue leather belt. Dressed in dark blue leather pants, feet wearing a beautiful blue, gray, dark red sneakers this three color, it looks strange. We looked at the queer clothes, all put a zero.
The fifth is WeiYa, she wore orange coat, hanging chain, two two pockets. Deep yellow leather belt is quite common, embroidered with flowers and green trousers blue shoes is also very cute. Now, no doubt on the full marks! This is really a surprise result...
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第2个回答  2015-02-12
High fashion HauteCouture is according to the needs of customer,cutting the garment according to the figure ,hand-made fashion.It throws into the ability and energy of the designer and producer,has reflected the personal styles of the designer and persons who dress,it is supreme form and realm of the fashion.Advanced ready-made clothe (Pro-ta-Porter) whether industrialization according to ready-made clothe fashion that standard produce,is it simplify product of production after to make to high fashion,lead ,design the apex in style,but they are not the high fashion.本回答被网友采纳