

第1个回答  2013-09-18
第2个回答  2013-09-18
Rumble of vehicles, horses whinny-ming, set off the soldiers wear their own bows and arrows at the waist. Yeniang wife and children running to Corporate Banking, dust blowing Xianyang not see the bridge. Stopped on the road, holding the soldiers clothes impatient cry, cry straight into the sky red sky.
Street passing soldiers asked how kind of expedition, expedition roster of the soldiers only stated that conscription is very frequent. Some people go to 15-year-old guard to the north of the Yellow River and some of them 40-year-old to the western frontier to the farm. A long time to go inside to some young men wrapped in scarves, their return was already bald but would also Shoubian. Numerous bloody frontier soldiers formed a sea, Wu Huang explore the idea of the border not to stop. You have not heard of Han Mountain east of 200 states, be hundreds of villages covered with vegetation. Even if there is a robust women holding hoe plow farming land where the crops are grown nothing ranks. Moreover, the soldiers of Qin also be able to hard work, they were driven to the combat and Jigou is no difference.
Although the elders in doubt, serve the people dare aggrieved resentment? Like this winter, it did not stop mobilized soldiers west of Hangu Pass. Magistrate urgently press the people to pay taxes, where tax out? If you do know that a boy is a bad thing, but not as good as a good girl. Also be able to marry a girl neighbors, gave birth to a boy died in battle between buried in the weeds.
You do not see the edge of Qinghai, the bones of the dead soldiers killed since ancient times no one buried. The new ghost trouble to hate the old ghosts weep, wet rainy days when the ghosts Jojo to cry.