be married to和with的区别是什么?


be married to和with的区别是:


be married to:是代表的一种将来可能要发生的事情,将来可能要结婚,但是什么时候结婚不知道。

be married with:是表述的是一种正在发生的事情,也就是已经决定要结婚了,是固定的了。


be married with sb:是系表结构,

be married to是由marry one to sb:变来的被动语态


be married to:强调的是状态。

be married with:强调的是动作。


marry既可用作及物动词,也可用作不及物动词,意为结婚、嫁、娶,与……结婚等。"marry to"一般用作被动式语句,使用方式为:be/get married to sb,意为与某人结婚。"marry with"一般没有这种用法,表达是错误的。

第1个回答  2023-07-24

"be married to"的发音为/bi ˈmærɪd tuː/,意思是与某人结婚,表示已婚,用来描述一个人与另一人建立婚姻关系。常用于表达婚姻状态或指代两人之间的婚姻关系。而"be married with"的发音为/bi ˈmærɪd wɪθ/,意思是婚后带有某种属性或状况,表示在婚姻状态下带有某种属性或处于某种状况。常用于描述结婚后所拥有的责任、负担或附带的情况。它们在释义、用法、使用环境、影响范围和形象上存在一些区别,具体内容如下所示。

1. 释义区别:

 "be married to"的释义是指已经结婚,表达婚姻状态。

 "be married with"的释义是指婚后拥有(某种特定的情况或状态)。


She is married to John. (她和约翰结婚了)

He is married with two children. (他已婚,并有两个孩子)

2. 用法区别:

 "be married to"后面通常跟随一个具体的人名,表示与某人结婚。

 "be married with"常用于表达某种具体的情况或状态,并且后面通常跟随一个描述。


Jane is married to Peter. (简和彼得结婚了)

She is married with a successful career. (她已婚,并拥有成功的事业)

3. 使用环境区别:

 "be married to"常用于口语和书面语,用于描述婚姻状态。

 "be married with"常用于书面语,更多用于描述家庭状况和个人情况。


They have been married to each other for 10 years. (他们已经结婚10年了)

The couple is married with three lovely children. (这对夫妇已婚,并有三个可爱的孩子)

4. 影响范围区别:

 "be married to"强调婚姻状态,仅限于表达某人与某人之间的结婚关系。

 "be married with"则强调在婚姻之后所具有的情况或状态,可以是家庭、财务、职业等方面。


She is married to her college sweetheart. (她嫁给了大学时的恋人)

They are married with a beautiful house and a successful business. (他们已婚,并拥有一所漂亮的房子和成功的事业)

5. 形象区别:

 "be married to"形象上强调两个人之间的结合和亲密关系。

 "be married with"形象上强调婚姻之后的状况和拥有的物质或非物质事物。


They are happily married to each other. (他们幸福地结为连理)

She is married with a luxurious lifestyle. (她已婚,并享有奢华的生活方式)

第2个回答  2023-07-23

首先我们来看下be married to和with的大致意思:

be married to:词性为短语动词,be married to是一个固定搭配的短语动词,由动词be和married to构成。其中,be是系动词,married是过去分词形式,to是介词。


通过下面的表格我们了解下be married to和with的含义、发音和用法

接下来让我们看下be married to和with的用法区别:

1.词性:be married to是短语动词,而with是介词。


- He is married to her.


- They are a couple.


2.含义:be married to表示某人已婚,而with表示附着或伴随关系。


- I am married to him.


- She is holding a bunch of flowers.


3.发音:be married to的发音重点在于to,而with的发音没有重音。


- He has been married to her for many years.


- She enjoys dancing.


4.用法简介:be married to用来指代一个人的婚姻状况,而with用来表示两个事物之间的联系或关系。


- He is married.


- She is holding a book.


第3个回答  2023-07-31

大家好(๑•̀ㅂ•́)و✧,这个区别题可以看过来,我们看一下 be married to和with 的总体的区别:"Be married to" 强调婚姻关系,表示已经结婚;"with" 强调陪伴或在一起,表示与某人共处。它们之间的区别在于是否涉及婚姻关系。

相信下面这个表格可以帮助💪你理解 be married to和with:


区别1:婚姻关系 vs. 同伴关系

- "Be married to" 指的是两人之间的法律上或社会上的婚姻关系,表示已经结婚并且是合法的夫妻。

例子1:She is married to John.(她与约翰结婚了。)

例子2:He has been married to his wife for ten years.(他与他的妻子结婚已经十年了。)

- "Be with" 表示两人在一起或是伴随在某人身边,但不强调婚姻关系,可能是朋友、家人或其他伴侣关系。

例子1:I am with my best friend at the concert.(我和我最好的朋友一起在音乐会上。)

例子2:She is with her family for the holidays.(她和家人一起度假。)


- "Be married to" 是一个固定短语,后面必须接某人的名字或代词,表示与某人结婚。

例子1:He is married to Jane.(他和简结婚了。)

例子2:She is married to him.(她与他结婚了。)

- "Be with" 后面可以接人或事物,表示某人在某处或与某人一起。

例子1:She is with her friends at the park.(她和她的朋友在公园。)

例子2:He is with his boss in the meeting.(他和他的老板在会议上。)


- "Be married to" 强调的是婚姻关系的持续状态,通常是一个长期的状态。

例子1:They have been married to each other for 20 years.(他们已经结婚20年了。)

例子2:She is happily married to her childhood sweetheart.(她幸福地与她的童年恋人结婚了。)

- "Be with" 强调的是某一特定时间或场合下的陪伴或在一起的状态,没有强调持续性。

例子1:I will be with you at the party tonight.(今晚我会和你在派对上一起。)

例子2:They were with their friends at the restaurant last night.(昨晚他们和朋友一起在餐厅。)


- "Be married to" 的重点在于婚姻关系,强调两人之间的法律上或社会上的夫妻关系。

例子1:She is happily married to a successful businessman.(她幸福地与一位成功的商人结婚了。)

例子2:He is married to a famous actress.(他与一位著名女演员结婚了。)

- "Be with" 的重点在于陪伴或在一起的状态,不涉及婚姻关系。

例子1:He is with his colleagues at the conference.(他和他的同事们在会议上。)

例子2:She is with her children at the park.(她和她的孩子在公园里。)

第4个回答  2023-07-16
"Be married to"和"be married with"的区别在于前者用于表达某人与另外一个人结婚的关系,而后者通常不用于表示婚姻关系。
"Be married to"是一个固定搭配,表示某人已经结婚并且处于婚姻关系中。例如:
- She is married to John. (她和约翰结婚了。)
- They have been married to each other for 10 years. (他们彼此结婚已经10年了。)
另一方面,"be married with"不是常见的表达方式,通常不用于表示婚姻关系。相反,它可以用来表示某人在婚姻状态下同时还有其他的责任或情况。例如:
- She is married with three children. (她已婚并有三个孩子。)
- He is married with a full-time job. (他已婚且有一份全职工作。)
总之,"be married to"指的是婚姻关系,而"be married with"通常用于表示婚姻状态下的其他责任、情况或附属条件。