

中国传统文化英语手抄报内容:介绍古代主要节日(中英文双语简介),Ancient major festivals(Chinese-English)。

1、元日:正月初一,一年开始。Mongol:the first month started this year onwards.人日:正月初七,主小孩。Man-days: the first month seventh day,the main children.上元:正月十五,张灯为戏,又叫“灯节“,Lantern: the first month 15,Zhang lights for the show,known as the "Festival of Lights"。

2、社日:春分前后,祭祀祈祷农事。Sheri:equinox before and after worship to pray farming.寒食:清明前两日,禁火三日(吴子胥)。Cold Food:Ching Ming Festival Two days ago,a fire ban on the 3rd(Wu Zi Xu)。清明:四月初,扫墓、祭祀。Qingming: early in April,grave,and the festival。

3、端午:五月初五,吃粽子,划龙(屈原)。Dragon Boat Festival:May fifth day,eating dumplings,is zoned Long(Qu Yuan)。七夕:七月初七,妇女乞巧(牛郎织女),Tanabata:July seventh day,women's Qi Qiao(Legend of Love)。

4、中元:七月十五,祭祀鬼神,又叫“鬼节”,Zhongyuan:July 15,worship the spirits,known as the "Halloween"。中秋:八月十五,赏月,思乡,Mid-Autumn Festival:August 15,the full moon,homesickness。

5、重阳:九月初九,登高,插茱萸免灾,Chung Yeung Festival:September ninth day,climb,plug Melanophylla avoid disaster。冬至:又叫“至日”,节气的起点,Winter Solstice:known as the "Sun",Solar Terms starting point。

6、腊日:腊月初八,喝“腊八粥”,December Day:the twelfth lunar month eighth day,drinking "laba porridge"。除夕:一年的最后一天的晚上,初旧迎新,New Year's Eve:one year on the last day of the night,the beginning of the old and welcoming。


元宵节the Lantern Festival;刺绣embroidery;重阳节the Double-Ninth Festival;清明节the Tomb Sweeping Festival;剪纸paper cutting;书法calligraphy;对联couplets(the Spring Festival, wedding ceremony)。

象形文字hieroglyph/ pictograph;雄黄酒realgar liquor;四合院quadrangle;战国Warring States;风水Geomantic Omen;昆曲Kunqu Opera;长城the Great Wall;集体舞group dance;黄土高原loess plateau。
