

Bob is the chief engineer of the company. Before that he used to be a
researcher and a professor at a university. Bob is a jack of all trades.
I often wonder how can a person be so knowledgable about so many
things. Americans are known for keeping personal relationships loose.
But Bob is an exception. I remember well when I went to the US for the
first time. It was Bob and his wife who took me around seeing the city
and neighboring states. We went together to many interesting fairs and
enjoyed each other's company. Luckily enough, my birthday is only two
days from his wife's birthday. So we decided to celebrate our birthdays
together. The time I liked the most was to see the play "Fidler on the
Roof". We received the birthday wishes from all staff. Throughout the
years, we have been very close almost like family members. I love Bob
and his family.