初一英语作文开店广告 急!!!

Mr Cool 的童装店开张了,里面的货物应有尽有,根据提示写一段文字,介绍Mr Cool的店!
Socks:$5 T-shirt:$6 Hat;$3
Pants:$15 Sweater:$29

Do you want to have some clothes? come and buy at Mr cool′s clothes store 。 We have socks for only 5dollars,for boys we have hat in blue red and yellow for only 3 dollars , for girls we have pants for only 15 dollars, and for woman we have sweater for only 29 dollars anybody can afford our prices come and see for yourself at our clothes store!
第1个回答  2010-01-10
Mr Cool
Come to Mr Cool's Clothes Store!We sell pants for only $15.Do you like sweaters?We have a lot of sweatres in red,green,and white,for only$29 .Do you need hats?We have many hats at a good price--for only $3.For boys,we sell socks in black for only $5 .If you are girl,you can buy our T-shirts in all colors(所有颜色)for only $6 .
Please have a look at Mr Cool Clothes Store!