
1.不论你学到什么指知识,将来都会有用的(in the future)
2.你想参加百米赛跑吗(compete in)
3.明天要把作文交给王老师(be required to do)
5.好的运动员应该懂得怎样利用对手的弱点(take advantage of)
6.小组由20个人组成(consist of)
7.如果没有准备好,就不要急于召开会议(in a hurry)
8.你真是太好了,还特地来看我(take the time to do)
10.汤姆沉醉于烟酒(be obsessed with)

1.我期待不久能见到你(look forward to)
2.你放心,我们全力支持你(count on)
4.这对年轻的夫妇在为他们的女儿的教育攒钱(save up)
5.他说的话语这事情无关(have nothing to do with)

1 Whatever knowledge you may learn, it will be useful in the future.
2 Do you want to compete in the 100 metre race?
3 You are required to hand in your assignment to your teacher,Mr Wang, tomorrow.
4 There is not enought room here to put this table.
5 A good athlete should know how to take advantage of the weaknesses of his opponents.
6 A small group consists of 20 persons.
7 If things are not yet ready, do not call the meeting in a hurry.
8 You are so nice as to take the time to visit me.
9 Red roses after often taken as the symbol of love.
10 Tom is obsessed with smoking and drinking.
1 I am looking forward to seeing you soon.
2 Don't worry, you can count on us.
3 The coffee tastes a little bitter, please add some sugar to the coffee.
4 This young couple is saving up money for their daughter's future education.
5 The things he said had nothing to do with this matter.
第1个回答  2010-01-09
1. No matter what you have learned that knowledge will be useful in the future (in the future)
2. Do you want to participate in 100 meters race (compete in)
3. Tomorrow should essay to Ms. Wang (be required to do)
4. There is no enough space to put this table (room)
5. A good player should know how to use an opponent's weaknesses (take advantage of)
6. Group of 20 individuals (consist of)
7. If you are not ready, do not rush to a meeting (in a hurry)
8. You're very good, specially to see me (take the time to do)
9. Red Rose is often seen as a symbol of love (take.. As ..)
10. Tom indulge in alcohol (be obsessed with)

1. I look forward to see you soon (look forward to)
2. Do not worry, we fully support you (count on)
3. Coffee a bit bitter, please Jiadian Tang (add. .. to)
4. This is the young couple for their daughter's education, save money (save up)
5. He said that the matter of discourse has nothing to do (have nothing to do with)
第2个回答  2010-01-09