
The secret of billionaires' wealth is actually no secret at all.With few exceptions,most rich people don't start out rich.They get their fortune by working hard and saving money all yhe time.
Warren Buffett is a mystery to most of us.He has made billions in his life,and he is no doubt one of the world's richest men.Of course,he has the moey to buy whatever he wants.But actuallymhe still lives in the house he has lived in for almost 60 years and he saves money at every turn,Why?Because he understands that a lot of pennies can add up to a dollar.
There's also a lot to learn from Jim Walton,the CEO of Walmart,who is regarded as the 10th richest man in the world.Walton could easily buy any new car he admires,but he still drives his 15-year-old truck.By driving the old noisy car,he is saving thousands of dollars each year.
Carlos Silm,a telecom tycoon in Mexico,is another billionaire to follow.This man is even richer than Bill Gates.He can afford his own private jets,but he still files commercial when he travels.The lesson?Don't spend money that you don't have to.
What we can learn from those billionaires is simple.Remember,many a little makes a mickle.

第1个回答  2013-12-15
亿万富翁财富的秘密其实是在all.With少数例外不是什么秘密,最富有的人不要一开始就rich.They得到他们的财富由努力工作及储蓄的钱全部YHE时间。沃伦·巴菲特是最神秘us.He取得了在他的生活十亿,而他毫无疑问是世界上最富有men.Of课程之一,他有moey买任何他wants.But actuallymhe仍然住在房子里他已经住了将近60年,他节省了金钱动不动,为什么呢,因为他明白了很多便士最多可加一块钱。还有很多从吉姆·沃尔顿,沃尔玛,谁被视为第10首富world.Walton可以很容易地购买任何新车,他钦佩的CEO学习,但他仍然开着他的15岁的truck.By驾驶老嘈杂的车,他每年节省数千美元。卡洛斯勒西尔姆,墨西哥电信大亨,是另一个亿万富翁follow.This男人是更丰富的比比尔Gates.He能买得起自己的私人飞机,但他依然商业文件时,他travels.The教训?不花钱的你不必。我们可以从这些亿万富翁学习是simple.Remember ,许多积少成多。
第2个回答  2013-12-15
The secret of billionaires' wealth is actually no secret at all.With few exceptions,most rich people don't start out rich.They get their fortune by working hard and saving money all yhe time.
Warren Buffett is a mystery to most of us.He has made billions in his life,and he is no doubt one of the world's richest men.Of course,he has the moey to buy whatever he wants.But actuallymhe still lives in the house he has lived in for almost 60 years and he saves money at every turn,Why?Because he understands that a lot of pennies can add up to a dollar.
There's also a lot to learn from Jim Walton,the CEO of Walmart,who is regarded as the 10th richest man in the world.Walton could easily buy any new car he admires,but he still drives his 15-year-old truck.By driving the old noisy car,he is saving thousands of dollars each year.
Carlos Silm,a telecom tycoon in Mexico,is another billionaire to follow.This man is even richer than Bill Gates.He can afford his own private jets,but he still files commercial when he travels.The lesson?Don't spend money that you don't have to.
What we can learn from those billionaires is simple.Remember,many a little makes a mickle.
第3个回答  2013-12-15