

A thing I never forget
One thing that I will never forget happened when I was traveling in Japan. It was my first time traveling alone, and I decided to visit a famous temple in Kyoto. On the day of my visit, it was raining heavily, and the air was chilly. I didn't bring an umbrella and was completely soaked by the time I arrived at the temple.
When I walked into the temple, I was greeted by the beautiful sight of a sea of red autumn leaves and a peaceful atmosphere that instantly lifted my spirits. I walked around the temple, admiring the architecture and the stunning scenery. But I was feeling quite cold and wet, and I realized that I needed to find a place to warm myself up.
That's when I saw an elderly Japanese lady sitting by a small fire in a corner of the temple. She noticed me shivering and invited me over to warm myself up. She offered me hot tea and even gave me a blanket to wrap around myself. I was touched by her kindness, and we began chatting despite the language barrier.
Although our conversation was brief, the experience of meeting this kind lady is something that I will never forget. Her act of kindness warmed my heart and reminded me of the beauty of human connection. Her generosity and warmth on that rainy day in Kyoto will always stay with me.