英语作文my winter holiday5句




主题是:my winter holiday,意思是:我的寒假。这个是命题作文。








【英】My Winter Holiday

During this winter holiday, the most impressive thing for me was completing my homework on time.

Because there are a lot of homework, there are 20 test questions for Chinese and math respectively. I arranged to write 2 sheets every day and completed all the winter holiday in about 10 days. So there are still 2 weeks left after finishing writing, I am very happy.

This winter Holiday is my favorite because after completing my homework, I still have a lot of time to play on my own.






【英】My Winter Holiday 

During this winter holiday , I helped my mother carry out a thorough cleaning at home.

During winter holiday, we all celebrate the Spring Festival. Before the Spring Festival, my mother took me to carry out cleaning at home. Because during the Chinese New Year, we need to bid farewell to the old and welcome the new, and have a happy New Year.

Although cleaning is tiring, I feel very fulfilled and have experienced the joy of labor.






【英】My Winter Holiday 

In this winter holiday, my classmates and I went to see a movie named Man Jianghong.

Man Jianghong is my favorite movie because there are my favorite actors Yiyang Qianxi and Yue Yunpeng. At the same time, this movie is very funny and I also like it very much. After watching the movie, Mingming and I went to the park to play.

I had a great time this winter holiday!


第1个回答  2022-09-09
My winter holiday plan The Winter Holiday Day is coming. I am planning a trip to Beijing with my parents. We will visit the Palace Museum, the famous museum in the world.We will also visitsome other ...
第2个回答  2023-06-13
During my winter holiday, I had a wonderful time filled with exciting activities and relaxation.
I visited my grandparents and spent quality time with them, sharing stories and enjoying their company.
I indulged in my favorite hobbies such as reading books, playing video games, and painting.
I also went on a skiing trip with my friends and had an amazing time on the snow-covered slopes.
Overall, my winter holiday was a perfect balance of fun, family, and personal interests, leaving me refreshed and ready for the upcoming year.