

remember [ri'memb?] vt. 1. 想起;记得: I remember meeting you one evening at the Capital Theatre. 我记得有一天晚上在首都剧场遇到你。 2. 回忆;忆起: We often remember the pleasant old days we had with you. 我们时常忆起与你共同度过的愉快的往日。 3. 记住,别忘记;没忘: Remember to shut the windows. 别忘记关窗户。 Remember to wait for me at the school gate tomorrow morning. 别忘了明天早晨在校门口等我。 4. 深深记在心里,铭记: Lei Feng's spirit should be remembered. 雷锋精神应铭记在心。 5. 馈赠财物给…;送礼(或付小费)给…: My elder brother always remembers me at the spring festival. 我哥哥每到春节都送给我礼物。 She remembered her maidservant by leaving her a huge sum in her will. 她在遗嘱中写明留给女仆一大笔钱作为遗赠。 6. 代…问候(或致意): Please remember me to your father. 请代我向令尊问好。 7. [古语]提醒,使记起: The dark clouds remembered me to take my raincoat along. 乌云提醒我带上雨衣。 8. 记载;纪念;为…祈祷: They held a commemoration meeting to remember those fighters who had died gloriously in the war. 他们召开了纪念大会纪念在战争中光荣牺牲的战士。 She often remembers the old and the poor in her prayers. 她在祈祷中经常为老人和穷人祈祷。 vi. 1. 记得;回忆: Oh,yes.Now I remember. 啊,对啦。现在我想起来了。 2. 记住;有记忆力: Now remember!If you fail the exams again,you'll be punished. 喂,记住!如果你考试再不及格,你将受到惩罚。 3. [古语]记起;想起(与 of 连用): I remember of that disgusting old man. 我想起那个糟老头子来了。 O(∩_∩)O~