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Third, the development of public management by numbers is something
that pre-dates the Labour government elected in 1997, though that government
certainly developed and stretched the approach in various ways. We
can perhaps speak of a long-term political `mood' for performance measurement
and management by numbers, analogous to what some called the
`planning mood' of the 1960s. After all, the Conservatives had introduced
performance tables for local authorities in the early 1980s and for university
research from 1986, had introduced school exam league tables across the UK
from the early 1990s, and had set performance targets for the then-new central
executive agencies and for the NHS in the 1990s. What the Labour government
added (beginning with its literacy and numeracy targets of 1997 and the
®rst public service agreements in 1998) was
●a set of performance targets across all government departments and not just
executive agenciesthese targets took the form of public service agreements
(PSAs) linked to departmental budgets, and represented an ambitious
attempt to increase the coherence and transparency of central
budgeting and policy-making;7
●new central units (notably the Standards and E.ectiveness Unit set up in
the Department of Education in 1997, and later the Prime Minister's
Delivery Unit and the NHS Modernisation Agency, both set up in 2001),
for monitoring those targets and encouraging delivery organisations to
meet them; and
. ●a set of composite measures allowing English local authorities and health
trusts to be ranked and rated on Michelin-star-type scales from the early
2000s, with signi®cant `P45'8 consequences for managers and chief executives.
