

1 辅音后才用's表所属所以Charles's friend佳(查尔斯一家人的朋友),Charles' friend次(不知道是查尔斯一家人的,还是其中某一个人的

2 附加语插入句中用逗号隔开如the best way to see a country, unless you r pressed for time, is to travel on foot.如果并不强调,就不用逗号隔开

3 用法上,"6 April 1988"比"April 6, 1986"更好

4 Jr.是Junior的缩写

5 有两部分句意且第二部分用for, or, nor, while等连接时,第二句前面要用逗号隔开

6 两分句主语相同需要省略,连接词是but时第二分句前要加逗号,连接词是and时不用加

7 分号使句子间紧密度比句号高,但分号最好连接两个短句(短句更简洁有力)

8 断开的小句子时常用于口语中,表强调,常常不完整

9 发挥详述,同位,列举等作用时,冒号比破折号更正式,但感情更弱

10 "We are all in the gutter, but Some of us are looking at the stars"

11 破折号比括号使句子更轻松

12 主语和谓语之间的成分并不影响主谓一致原则

13 Horace admires Jessica more than I do.比Horace admires Jessica more than I.要好,因为把动词阐释清楚不会引起误会。

14 用简单的代词做主语,如不用Blake and myself stayed home.而用Blake and I stayed home

15 动名词前通常用所属名词,如my driving但口语中通常用宾格heard him driving

16 每段不讲求先总后分,显得文章具有活力

17 积极的语言比较直接生动如I shall always remember my first visit to Boston.比My first visit to Boston will always be remembered by me 更好(这就可以解释为什么正式文书中多用被动--显得没那么主观)

18 大众喜欢主动句,专业人士偏爱被动句

19 there be和...could be done  句型显得很敷衍,应改为主动句式There were a great number of dead leaves lying on the ground.应改为Dead leaves covered the ground.

20 语言简洁代表着有活力。
