

1 different kinds of 各种各样的
2 social group 社会团体,社会组织
3 It's a good way to do sth 这是一个做某事的好办法
4 in the mountains 在山间
5 put up a tent 搭帐篷
6 It 's unbelievable that....... 很难相信。。。。难以置信的是。
7 make progress 进步
8 du somnthing in such a +adj+way 以如此。。。。(形容这个方式)的方式来做事
9 engourage sb. to do sth. 鼓励某人做某事
10 think about way to do sth. 想办法做某事
11 collect sth. 收藏
12 a couple of times 几天,几次
13 place to take a holiday 度假胜地
14 On the one hand.......,on the other hand......一方面,另一反面
15 English-speaking country 讲英语的国家
16 a good place to do sth 做某事的好地方
17 outside of China 中国以外
18 fear that 害怕,担心
19 do not have any problem doing sth. 做某事不费劲
20 Night Safari 夜间动物园
21 It's the best time to do sth. 做某事的好时机
22 all year round 一年到头
23be close to 离。。。。近

1 flea macket 跳蚤市场
2 How long have +V.
3 give away=part with 放弃,与。。。分离
4 in need 处于需要的状态中
5 It's hard to do sth. 做某事很难
6 have a yard sale 举办一次庭院拍卖
7 bring back sweet memories 带回甜蜜的回忆
8 not......anymore=no longer 不再
9 check out 察看,观察
10 board games 棋类游戏
11 bread maker 面包机
12 wtitten by sb. 由某人写的
13 junior high school初中
senior high school高中
14 one's+序数词+birthday某人的几岁生日
15 as for me 对于我来说
16 to be honest 老实说
17 for a while 一段时间
18 search for 搜寻
19 regard......as......把。。。看做。。。。
20 do sth. with great interest 兴致勃勃地做某事
21 add sb. 对某人来说
22 according to sb.在。。看来
【码字很辛苦的呢,望采纳(*^__^*) 嘻嘻……】