


    擅长于: good at;specialize in;excel at 

    擅长的: adept;strong;skilled expert;famous 

    擅长做某事: be good at doing sth;Be better at sth./doing sth;Be good at/do well in doing sth;be good at sth 

    在某方面擅长: be good at;do well in;be expert at doing sth.be good at 

    不擅长: Be bad at;be weak in;poor at 

    擅长领域: The Field of Training;Special Busine es 

    擅长划船: be good at boating 

    擅长任意球: Takes driven free kicks 

    你擅长的技能: Good at;sth. you are good at


We know she's very good at fostering and forging consensus. 我们都知道,她非常擅长培养和建立共识。

David is expert in teaching English. 大卫对教英文很有经验。

A professional Santa must be skilled in improvisation. 一个专业的圣诞老人必须善于随机应变。

I used to excel at these things. 以前我很擅长玩这些的。

He was a master at weaving alliances. 他非常擅长组建同盟。

So ancient Egyptians were somewhat successful at evading decay. 所以古埃及人很擅长保存尸体防止屍体腐烂。

Young people who are digital natives are indeed becoming more skillful at separating fact from fiction in cyberspace. 在数据时代长大的年轻人,的确更擅长辨别网络上信息的真伪。

