
I am sure this mail would be coming to you as a surprise since we have never met before and you would also be asking why I have decided to chose you amongst the numerous internet users in the world, precisely I cannot say why I have chosen you but do not be worried for I come in peace and want you to me do one last work i have now . As the island of Haiti experience a major earthquake struck, I will like to use this last chance to show as a philanthropist .

Before I move further, permit me to give you a little of my biography, I am Lady Rita Ratnavale, 78 Years old woman and the wife of Sir Ratnavale, Victor, dual citizen of Switzerland and Britain who died in a Plane crash on Monday the 7th of September 1998 GMT 14:22 UK alongside with my daughter while they were flying from New York to Geneva. Please see site below for more information. http://www.cnn.com/WORLD/9809/swissair.victims.list/index.html

After the death of my husband I became the Head of his investment and now that I am old and weak I have decided to spend the rest of my life in my Ranch before i finally leave the world, but before the death of my husband we had a plan to use the last days of our lives to donate half of what we have worked for to the less privileged and charity homes and the other half for ourselves, family members and close friends, and it is so unfortunate that my husband is not alive today to do this with me and I am very weak and old now, hence I have decided to do this philanthropic work on behalf of my late husband.

Presently, I have willed out almost half of our assets to several charity homes and to some of the less privilege in different countries. Despite the agreement between my late husband and I to give aid to the deprived, we also agreed to render support to an individual we have not meet before in life due to the fact when we were still young in life we received an anonymous help from an individual we did not know and which we were never able to identify,the impact we got from such a gesture made us to do same.

I am sorry to inform you that you will never have the chance to know me because I have just concluded the assignment which my husband and I have agreed upon before his sudden death and you happened to be the beneficiary of our last will. hence I need you to do me a favour by accepting our offer and using it to help the poor in Haiti.

I deposited some fund in the sum of 2.400,000.00 (Two Million Four Hundred Thousand British Pounds) with DHL UK one week ago to deliver to you, but i was very ill so i could not send you an email until today. what you have to do now is to contact the DHL GLOBAL EXPRESS UK as soon as possible to know when they will deliver your package to you.

For your information, I have paid for the delivering Charge, Insurance Premium and Clearance Certificate Fee of the Cheque showing that it is not a Drug Money or meant to sponsor Terrorist attack in your Country







第1个回答  2010-06-10






第2个回答  2010-06-24
我深信此邮件将在下一个令你感到惊奇,因为我们从未谋面,你也可以问我为什么决定选择之一,在世界上许多互联网用户之中,正是我不能说,为什么我选择了你但不要担心,因为我为和平而来,并希望您对我做最后的工作我现在。 As the island of Haiti experience a major earthquake struck, I will like to use this last chance to show as a philanthropist .由于海地的经验岛发生大地震,我会想利用这个最后的机会,显示为一个慈善家。

Before I move further, permit me to give you a little of my biography, I am Lady Rita Ratnavale, 78 Years old woman and the wife of Sir Ratnavale, Victor, dual citizen of Switzerland and Britain who died in a Plane crash on Monday the 7th of September 1998 GMT 14:22 UK alongside with my daughter while they were flying from New York to Geneva.在我再进一步,请允许我给你一点我的传记,我夫人丽塔拉特纳瓦勒,78岁的女人和爵士的拉特纳瓦勒,维克多,双重国籍瑞士和英国谁在周一因飞机失事遇难的妻子对1998年9月7日格林尼治标准时间14:22英国与女儿一起,而他们是从纽约飞往日内瓦。 Please see site below for more information. http://www.cnn.com/WORLD/9809/swissair.victims.list/index.html请参阅下面的网站获取更多信息。 http://www.cnn.com/WORLD/9809/swissair.victims.list/index.html

After the death of my husband I became the Head of his investment and now that I am old and weak I have decided to spend the rest of my life in my Ranch before i finally leave the world, but before the death of my husband we had a plan to use the last days of our lives to donate half of what we have worked for to the less privileged and charity homes and the other half for ourselves, family members and close friends, and it is so unfortunate that my husband is not alive today to do this with me and I am very weak and old now, hence I have decided to do this philanthropic work on behalf of my late husband.之后,我丈夫的死我成了他的投资负责人,现在我老,弱,我决定用我的前半生,我在我的牧场终于离开这个世界,但在我丈夫去世了,我们一项计划,利用我们的生命的最后日子捐赠给我们的工作有一半的家庭减少特权和慈善事业,另一半为自己,家庭成员和亲密的朋友,这是不幸,我的丈夫不是活着今天和我一起做,我现在很虚弱,老,所以我决定做我的已故丈夫的名义这个慈善工作。

Presently, I have willed out almost half of our assets to several charity homes and to some of the less privilege in different countries.目前,我意志几乎一半的资产若干慈善家园,在不同的国家少一些特权。 Despite the agreement between my late husband and I to give aid to the deprived, we also agreed to render support to an individual we have not meet before in life due to the fact when we were still young in life we received an anonymous help from an individual we did not know and which we were never able to identify,the impact we got from such a gesture made us to do same.尽管我的已故丈夫的认可,我给予的援助,被剥夺,我们还同意向个人提供支持,我们在生活中有不符合事实的时候,由于我们还年轻,我们在生活中得到解答之前,一个匿名个别我们不知道的,我们从来没有能够确定,影响我们从这样一种姿态,使我们做的一样。

I am sorry to inform you that you will never have the chance to know me because I have just concluded the assignment which my husband and I have agreed upon before his sudden death and you happened to be the beneficiary of our last will.我很遗憾地通知你,你将永远不会有机会了解我,因为我刚刚结束的任务是我的丈夫和我都同意他的突然去世后,才和你正好是我们上次将受益。 hence I need you to do me a favour by accepting our offer and using it to help the poor in Haiti.所以我需要你这样做,我要接受我们的提议,并用它来帮助海地穷人的青睐。

I deposited some fund in the sum of 2.400,000.00 (Two Million Four Hundred Thousand British Pounds) with DHL UK one week ago to deliver to you, but i was very ill so i could not send you an email until today.我存放在一些基金2.400,000.00的总和(200万40万英镑)与DHL英国一周前交付给你,但我病得很厉害,所以我不能向您发送一封电子邮件,直到今天。 what you have to do now is to contact the DHL GLOBAL EXPRESS UK as soon as possible to know when they will deliver your package to you.你现在要做的是联系英国的DHL全球快递尽快知道何时会向你提供你的包。

For your information, I have paid for the delivering Charge, Insurance Premium and Clearance Certificate Fee of the Cheque showing that it is not a Drug Money or meant to sponsor Terrorist attack in your Country为了您的信息,我已支付运送费,保险费及清理证书费的支票,表明它是不是为了金钱或药物赞助贵国的恐怖袭击
第3个回答  2010-06-10