


















1. 对文章交待的背景,特别是“首段”和“段首”交待的信息做出迅速的反映,并能准确领会文章叙述中作者流露出的情感,同时能清晰的把握文章的情节及层次,以便将语境信息融会贯通,从而做出正确的选择。

2. 学习过程中,对词汇的含义做到准确的理解,并能在具体语境中,从逻辑及用法上做出最精准的判断。比如,某词汇应用时,需要相匹配的语境是解释关系的,在因果关系的语境中,该词就不能使用。本篇完形中,第41题不能用show,而选mean即是此原因。

3. 完形填空题中对语法的考查多表现在“句法”上,通常为判断句子关系(如转折,条件,让步,因为,并列等),选择正确的连词。

4. 解决这类题的关键在于从整体考虑,把握文章主旨,找到“点睛”之词或句。


My father died when I was a few months old. After his death, my mother moved back to Louisville, Kentucky, where 35 had grown up. We lived in a small house with her older sister, Marion, and their mother. This was a time when being a single 36 was still considered unusual.


35题选B。一方面,与上半句主语保持逻辑上的一致,另一方面,从上下文My father died when I was a few months old…(说明当时作者还小)… Kentucky, where 35 had grown up.(使用过去完成时,更突出了是母亲长大的地方) We lived in a small house with her older sister, Marion, and their mother.(信息上进一步补充论证)

36题选C。My father died when I was a few months old.段首这句话明确了下文必定是“单亲妈妈”这一信息。且第二段中说“The Happy Family……Dad worked……Mom cooked….”为typical (典型的) of the time,与本段中的unusual形成鲜明对比,更加强化了这一事实,故本题应选single parent。

When I was small, there was a children’s book called The Happy Family, and it was a real piece of work. Dad worked all day long at the office, Mom cooked in the kitchen, and brother and sister always had friends sleeping over. The image of the family in this book was typical (典型的) of the time. It looked 37 like my family, but luckily that wasn’t the way I heard it. The way my Aunt Marion read it to me made the story really 38 .

37题选A。为上下段信息综合处理题。第二段开头第一句提到The Happy Family……typical (典型的) of the time与第一段中描述到“My father died when ……was still considered unusual”形成对比,可见应选nothing like(一点儿不像)。同时本题也有对词汇nothing like意义的考查。



Kind-hearted and open-minded, my aunt was the one who played baseball with me, who took me horseback riding, who took me to the father-son dinners and who gave me lessons on how to drive. Believing that anything 39 was probably good for me, she 40 to get a loan (贷款) so that I could go to Africa to work as a volunteer, which was my most important experience.

39题选D。该题是一道信息综合推断题,考查难度较高,要求学生综合大量的事实细节(my aunt……played baseball with me…… took me horseback riding…… to the father-son dinners……gave me lessons on how to drive),提炼出一个核心描述词“unusual”。与此同时,39所在的句子为定义型句子,下一句必为对该句的支持论证。而“get a loan (贷款) so that I could go to Africa to work as a volunteer”这一信息我们只能用unusual去描述。


40题选C。该段第一句话明确交待了my aunt是一个Kind-hearted and open-minded的人,句中提到“believing that…”,可知my aunt为了我的成长,定会主动地“offer to get a loan”。而decide一词是无法体现主语的主动性的。其它选项prepare(准备)和afford(支付得起)更是不符合语境。

As a young girl, Aunt Marion always planned to have a large number of children of her own, but she never got married. This 41 that she was free to spend all her time taking care of me. Many people say we have a lot in common. She always 42 me to do my best. She never 43 to make me believe that I could do anything with my life that I wanted, if I only tried hard enough.

41题选B。该题考查词汇与语境匹配问题。上文的she never got married与下文she was free to spend all her time taking care of me形成因果关系,故选mean(导致,意味着)。而show相匹配的语境应为解释关系,在该题中不能使用。


42题选B。43题选D。这两道题相互照应,运用必杀技一和二,即可有效解决。通过“I could do anything… if I only tried hard enough”即可推断42为expected。进而可知43所在的句子为积极信息(make me believe),而空格前的never为否定词,可知该空应选有否定意义的词,能过双重否定表达肯定。而stop to do表肯定(stop doing才表否定),never stop to do则为否定。故不选。此外,该题也是运用了never fail to do这样一个重点句型,这也要求同学们在学习过程中要注意短语和句型的积累。

For more than sixty years, Aunt Marion didn’t and still doesn’t think of herself. 44 she is forced to come up to the front, my aunt will stand in the back in family photos, and she doesn’t think that her efforts have made much 45 . I honored my aunt, who taught me the things my 46 couldn’t. So every June for the past 40 years, in growing thankfulness to my Aunt Marion, I’ve sent her a Father’s Day card.

44题选A。该题考查句子间的逻辑关系(条件关系)。根据本段第一句话,“For more than sixty years, Aunt Marion didn’t and still doesn’t think of herself.”这一信息,可知“除非她被迫站到前面,否则她就站在后面。”

45题选A。考查固定短语。make much difference(起很大作用),make much progress (取得很大进步),make much trouble(惹了很多麻烦),make much sense(有很大意义)。本文的主旨为讲述了姨妈在作者(一个单亲孩子)的成长中扮演着非常重要的角色及对其人生的影响,所以对应的短语应为make much difference。

46题选C。根据本文主旨及最后一句话的提示“ I’ve sent her a Father’s Day card”可知答案选C。


1.nothing but/ anything but

nothing like/(not) anything like

nothing much

have nothing to do with…

for nothing

2. offer

3. make a/the/any/much difference

make no/any/little/much sense

make much trouble

make much/ great /rapid progress

4. (never) fail to do…


第1个回答  2010-06-14
31~35ABCDB 36~40CADDC
41~45BBDAA 46C

My father died when I was a few months old. After his death, my mother moved back to Louisville, Kentucky, where __35__ had grown up. We lived in a small house with her older sister, Marion, and their mother. This was a time when being a single __36___ was still considered unusual.
When I was small, there was a children’s book called The Happy Family, and it was a real piece of work. Dad worked all day log at the office, Mom cooked in the kitchen, and brother and sister always had friends sleeping over. The image of the family in this book was typical (典型的) of the time. It looked __37___ like my family, but luckily that wasn’t the way I heard it. The way my Aunt Marion read it to me made the story really __38__.
Kind-hearted and open-minded, my aunt was the one who played baseball with me, who took me horseback riding, who took me to the father-son dinners and who gave me lessons on how to drive. Believing that anything __39__ was probably good for, she __40__ to get a loan (贷款) so that I could go to Africa to work as a volunteer, which was my most important experience.
As a young girl, Aunt Marion always planned to have a large number of children of her own, but she never got married. This __41__ that she was free to spend all her time taking care of me. Many people say we have a lot in common. She always __42__ me to do my best. She never __43__ to make me believe that I could do anything with my life that I wanted, if I only tried hard enough.
For more than sixty years, Aunt Marion didn’t and still don’t think of herself. __44__ she is forced to come up to the front, my aunt will stand in the back in family photos, and she doesn’t think that her efforts have made much __45___. I honor my aunt, who taught me the things my __46___ couldn’t. so every June for the past 40 years, in growing thankfulness to my Aunt Marion, I’ve sent her a Father’s Day card.
35. A. I B. she C. he D. we
36. A. man B. family C. parent D. child
37. A. nothing B. anything C. everything D. something
38. A. surprising B. boring C. sad D. funny
39. A. interesting B. pleasant C. impossible D. unusual
40. A. decided B. afforded C. offered D. prepared
41. A. said B. meant C. proved D. showed
42. A. allowed B. afforded C. offered D. forced
43. A. hoped B. agreed C. stopped D. tailed
44. A. Unless B. Although C. Since D. Before
45. A. difference B. progress C. trouble D. sense
46. A. Teachers B. mother C. father D. friends
第2个回答  2010-06-14