
我是初三的 大概写写
要求是 中考完后 准备去上海世博会 写写自己的打算什么的
字数60~100左右吧 嗯 谢啦

Since the beginning of reform and development, we are most proud achievements is the development of successful Olympics and World Expo application. Over the past after the 2008 Beijing Olympic Games, he turned his glance around the world focusing Shanghai. However, in surprise and excitement over, we all Shanghai people really thought about what kind of attitude to show Shanghai's glory?
China is a state of ceremonies, always to be convincing. However, in practice it has not done us good. Expo was the footsteps getting closer and closer to us, we were volunteers, while not the Expo, not directly to the Expo effect, but in fact we only have to pay attention to his demeanor, from the side were little things, compliance with ethics. Although only some minor details so small, it can be brought together is a formidable strength to!
Shanghai does not have a long history, but Shanghai is constantly in communication with the world culture, and constantly crashes are the clashes of the brilliant spark. The critical period of development in Shanghai, World Expo is like the coming of an invisible hand to promote the rapid growth of Shanghai. Shing Chuen World Expo in Shanghai, Shanghai World Expo Shing Chuen was. So both the Expo volunteers or students that we have an obligation to contemporary the Sea, inclusive of the Shanghai spirit passed to the world. Learn the history of Shanghai, to learn international common language, promoting Shanghai's culture, to be a moral culture of the lovely people of Shanghai. The Shanghai show to the world and the world into Shanghai.
World Expo in Shanghai's dream is to be a lovely person the best chance of Shanghai


第1个回答  2010-06-13
Summer vacation is coming. We will visit World.I think it's interting. You must enjoy yourself.We will visit China Pavilion first.Many people said ,"There is so beautiful." I think so . We also can go to Japan Pavilion ,Korea Pavilion and Canada Pavilion.We can see many people from the other countries. We can speak English with them. If your English isn't well, you also can speak Chinese. And we will be polite.We should get a good influence to them. We should be friendly to them . We should bring some and drinks,because things are expensive in there. When you visit the World Expo, you can't cut in line. If you cut in line,the people get annoyed to you.I hope,you enjoy yourself in there.本回答被提问者采纳
第2个回答  2010-06-24
世界博览会是由一个国家的政府主办,有多个国家或国际组织参加,以展现人类在社会、经济、文化和科技领域取得成就的国际性大型展示会。其特点是举办时间长、展出规模大、参展国家多、影响深远。自1851年英国伦敦举办第一届展览会以来,世博会因其发展迅速而享有“经济、科技、文化领域内的奥林匹克盛会”的美誉。按照国际展览局的规定,世界博览会按性质、规模、展期分为两种:一种是注册类(以前称综合性)世博会,展期通常为6个月,从2000年开始每5年举办一次;另一类是认可类(以前称专业性)世博会,展期通常为3个月,在两届注册类世博会之间举办一次。注册类世界博览会不同于一般的贸易促销和经济招商的展览会,是全球最高级别的博览会ps:这个没英文版。---------------------------------------------------------------------world expositions are galleries of human inspirations and thoughts. since 1851 when the great exhibition of industries of all nations was held in london, the world expositions have attained increasing prominence as grand events for economic, scientific, technological and cultural exchanges, serving as an important platform for displaying historical experience, exchanging innovative ideas, demonstrating esprit de corps and looking to the future.世界博览会是人类文明的驿站。从1851年伦敦的“万国工业博览会”至今,世博会正日益成为全球经济、科技和文化领域的盛会,成为各国人民总结历史经验、交流聪明才智、体现合作精神、展望未来发展的重要舞台。with a long civilization, china favors international exchange and loves world peace. china owes its successful bid for the world exposition in 2010 to the support for and confidence of the international community in its reform and opening up. the exposition will be the first registered world exposition to be held in a developing country, which gives expression to the expectations the world’s people place on china’s future development.具有悠久东方文明的中国,是一个热爱国际交往、崇尚世界和平的国度。中国取得了2010年世博会的举办权,这将是注册类世界博览会首次在发展中国家举行,体现了国际社会对中国改革开放道路的支持和信任,也体现了世界人民对中国未来发展的瞩目和期盼。----------------------------------------------------------------------下面是关于上海的世博会so what will expo 2010 shanghai china deliver to the world? there is no doubt that the chinese people will present to the world a successful, splendid and unforgettable exposition.中国将在2010年上海世博会上为世界人民奉献什么?毫无疑问,中国人民将为五湖四海的宾客奉上一届成功、精彩、难忘的盛会

23回答者: 周进才 -
第3个回答  2010-06-13