
希望单词尽量简单 因为我要弄成ppt上台讲解. 所以要一些简单易明的单词!!

第1个回答  推荐于2017-12-15
During the dinner held by the king, someone said this out to the king so that the king wouldn't favor Columbus that much.Columbus heard that, he just smiled and said:" Can anybody make the egg stand on the table?" In a long time nobody could say a word. Then Columbus caved the egg and put it stand on the table."It's too easy, we can do it too!" Everyone shouted and Columbus said:"It is easy but before I nobody found it." 前面一句死活通不过审查,你自己慢慢翻译吧,中文是:哥伦布航海回来以后,有些人看他不顺眼,认为航海没什么了不起(is nothing),说:“我们也可以做到。”本回答被网友采纳
第2个回答  2010-06-01