

Financial crisis comprises of currency crisis, debit crisis, bank crisis and subprime crisis.。And the financial crisis takes on mixture of multiple crises in recent years. The features are the pessimistic attitudes toward the expectation of the future economy, the devaluation of the currency in the whole district, the loss in economic aggregate and economic scale. The economic growth is lashed with the bankrupt of comprises, growth in rate of unemployment. The average socially economic depression is aggregated and sometimes it accompanies with the turbulence in society and state politics. In financial crisis, the companies can only establish correct strategies by analyzing the market condition and drafting financialstatement. Comprises from all over the world are facing the drastic competition. The economic crisis in every companies is a process of gradual deterioration, so it is necessary to detect the faults in the management of financial crisis and the signals before the financial crisis to make the managers to take action before the crisis and develop the operating management. The production of the financial crisis has many reasons. They are not only the external condition but also the internal condition of unavailable management. So to make the emergency response and decision before the financial crisis, devaluate or hedge against lose brought by the crisis, the company must choose the appropriate target, establish available systems of early warning and enforce the precautionary measures. 是我花了半个多小时翻译的,不是什么机器驿的。
第1个回答  2010-05-11
Financial crisis can be divided into currency crises, debt crises, banking crisis, the subprime mortgage crisis and so forth. The financial crisis in recent years has increasingly presented a mixed form. The characteristics of people for the economic future will be more pessimistic expectations, appear throughout the region a significant reduction in the depreciation of the currency, economic aggregates and a greater loss of economies of scale, economic growth hit. With the company going bankrupt, the unemployment rate to improve society in general economic depression, or sometimes even with the social unrest or political turmoil in the State.

In the case of the financial crisis only through the enterprise market conditions and analysis of financial statements to develop countermeasures to reduce the impact of financial crisis on business. Rapid economic development, so that the world economy is facing more intense business competition, corporate bit of carelessness could be involved in the failure of the vortex. Any company's financial crisis is deteriorating process, therefore, strengthen the financial crisis management, financial management in the timely detection of problems, early detection of the signal before the financial crisis, so that managers can be the seed of the financial crisis time to take effective measures to improve management, it is very necessary. Financial crisis has arisen for many reasons, not just the external conditions of the enterprise's financial crisis, due to poor management within the enterprise business will also trigger the financial crisis, this will need to choose the appropriate financial indicators, reasonable financial crisis early warning system, strengthening the prevention of financial risks in order to tide financial crisis, the emergency plan worked out in advance and adapt to current situation in the decision-making, minimize or avoid financial crisis for the business losses and damage, to take preventive measures.
第2个回答  2010-05-11
第3个回答  2012-03-26