谁能给我介绍一下SFU大学的商学院哦?或者翻译一下下文 谢谢谢谢

Since the creation of Canada's first Executive MBA in 1968, SFU Business has championed lifelong learning, productive change and the need to be innovative as we deliver research and teaching that makes an impact. That we have achieved some measure of success is confirmed with the announcement that SFU Business has been accredited by the AACSB (Association to Advance Collegiate Schools of Business), a globally recognized accrediting agency for business schools. Fewer than 10% of business schools worldwide carry the AACSB international accreditation.

Undergraduate, graduate and Ph.D. programs demonstrate a spirit of innovation, flexibility and relevance. Supported by extensive partnerships with public, private and not-for-profit organizations, our goal is to produce broadly educated, enterprising and socially responsible managers capable of making lasting contributions to their communities.

SFU Business operates on all three SFU campuses, with:

* over 3100 undergraduate BBA students in Burnaby and Surrey

* over 250 MBA and graduate students in the new Segal Graduate School of Business

* non-credit programs at the director, executive and management levels

* a thriving Ph.D. program

加拿大西门菲莎大学(Simon Fraser University)(SFU)
Simon Fraser University (SFU)西门菲莎大学是以加拿大一位十九世纪探险家Simon Fraser的名字命名,创建于1963年。SFU是加拿大的一所中等规模的文理科综合性大学,现有在校学生18000名左右。SFU是加拿大享负盛名的大学之一,曾被加拿大的权威时事杂志MaCLEAN评为加拿大顶尖大学之一,一直在加拿大大学排名在前十名,曾在“加拿大最有价值综合大学”的美誉。
1. 高中毕业,平均分85%以上,提供高考成绩。
2. 托福580,雅思6.5。


第1个回答  2010-05-11
在线等不如到我们沈阳美东旭翻译公司吧,你不是要申请国外的大学么 ,那为什么不找一位翻译的专业严谨的人或者机构来做翻译呢?顺便把你的留学文书也好好翻译一下啊, 我们公司是来自美国的专业翻译公司,有15年的翻译行业经验,可以为你提供以英语为母语的专业人士进行翻译和校对呢。
第2个回答  2010-05-17