
1. That is my football.
2. Those are his books.
3. Jim amd Tom are good friends.
4. My birthday is November 1st.
5. His son is twelve years old.

1.is that your football?
Yes, it is./No, it isn't.(有BE动词,而且问的是单数所以回答用it)
2.Are those his books?
Yes, they are./No, they aren't.(问的是复数,所以用they回答)
3.Are Jim and Tom good friends?
Yes, they are./No, they aren't.(问的是人但是是复数所以也用they)
4.Is your birthday November 1st?
Yes, it is./No, it isn't.(问的是你的生日,还是物)
5.Is his son twelve years old?
Yes, he is./No, he isn't.(问的是他的儿子,是人,单数,男他,用he)

1)中谓语动词是to be、助动词、情态动词时,则将它们(提前)放到主语前面。如:
Is he an engineer?(他是工程师吗?)/
Have you got today’s newspaper? (你有今天的报纸吗?)/
Shall we go to see a film this evening? (我们今晚去看电影好吗?)/ Can you explain it ?(你能解释它吗?)/
Is there any fish for supper?(晚饭有鱼吗?)/
Would you like to go out for a walk?(你想出去散步吗?)

2)谓语动词如果没有上述词语而是其他动词时,则在主语前面加助动词do / does / did, 原来的谓语动词改为原形。
如:Do you get up at six every morning?(你天天早晨六点起身吗?)/
Does she study hard?(她学习努力吗?)/
Did you go there yesterday?(昨天你去那儿了吗?)

Will you join us in playing basketball?(你加入我们打篮球好吗?)
—Yes, we will.(是的我们会。)/ —No, we won’t.(不我们不会。)
Have you got today’s newspaper?(你有今天的报纸吗?)
—Yes, I have .(是的有。)/ —No, I haven’t.(不没有。)
[注意] 回答must或者may开头的疑问句要小心,参见情态动词有关内容。

4)一般疑问句的否定结构(即否定形式的一般疑问句)表示惊奇、责怪、建议、看法等,只要将“not”置于主语之后或者将“not”放到主语之前与be, have等助动词或情态动词合并在一起就可以了。如:
Will he not come?(他难道不来吗?)/
Isn’t your sister a Party member?(你的姐姐不是党员吗?)/
Haven’t you any brothers?(你没有哥哥吗?)/
Don’t you like the play?(你难道不喜欢这个话剧吗?)/
Can’t we walk a little farther?(我们不能走远些吗?)/
Won’t you sit down?(你不想坐下吗?)/
Hasn’t she heard of the matter?(她没听说过这事儿?)

Can’t he answer the question? (他不能回答这个问题吗?)
—Yes,he can.(不,他能回答这个问题。)
—No,he can’t. (是的,他不能回答这个问题。)
第1个回答  2010-08-10
1.Is that my football?
2.Are those his books?
3.Are Jim and Tomgood friends?
4.Is my birthday November 1st?
5.Is his son twelve years old?
第2个回答  2010-08-10
Is that my football?
Are those his books?
Are they good friends?
Is my birthday November 1st?
Is his son twelve years old?

助动词提前 有时改主语
第3个回答  2010-08-10