

用 SVGAPlayer 在 Android、iOS、Web中播放 After Effects / Animate CC (Flash) 动画。

add repo build.gradle
allprojects { repositories { ... maven { url '' } }}

add dependency to build.gradle (Final Release )
compile 'com.github.yyued:SVGAPlayer-Android:2.0.0'

use layout.xml.
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?><RelativeLayout xmlns:android="" xmlns:app="" android:orientation="vertical" android:layout_width="match_parent" android:layout_height="match_parent"> <com.opensource.svgaplayer.SVGAImageView android:layout_height="match_parent" android:layout_width="match_parent" app:source="posche.svga" app:autoPlay="true" android:background="#000" /> </RelativeLayout>

source - SVGA file path,relative assets directory。
autoPlay - defaults to true,play after load automatically。
loopCount - defaults to 0,Loop Count, 0 = Infinity Loop。
clearsAfterStop - Clears Canvas After Animation Stop
fillMode - defaults to Forward,optional Forward / Backward,fillMode = Forward,Animation will pause on last frame while finished,fillMode = Backward , Animation will pause on first frame.
Add SVGAImageView via code.
Init ImageView
SVGAImageView imageView = new SVGAImageView(this);

Init Parser & Load File
parser = new SVGAParser(this);parser.parse(new URL(""), new SVGAParser.ParseCompletion() { @Override public void onComplete(@NotNull SVGAVideoEntity videoItem) { SVGADrawable drawable = new SVGADrawable(videoItem); imageView.setImageDrawable(drawable); imageView.startAnimation(); } @Override public void onError() { }});

Parser will not manage cache, you need to cache by yourself.
Install HttpResponseCache
Because SVGAParser depends URLConnection, and URLConnection uses HttpResponseCache.
Add following code to is Okey to handle SVGA caches.
val cacheDir = File(context.applicationContext.cacheDir, "http")HttpResponseCache.install(cacheDir, 1024 * 1024 * 128)

Properties Setter
setLoops(int loops); - Loop Count,0 = Infinity Loop
setClearsAfterStop(boolean clearsAfterStop); - Clears Canvas After Animation Stop
setFillMode(FillMode fillMode); - Optional Forward / Backward,fillMode = Forward,Animation will pause on last frame while finished,fillMode = Backward , Animation will pause on first frame.
setCallback(SVGAPlayerCallback callback) - SET Callbacks
setVideoItem(SVGAVideoEntity videoItem) - SET animation instance
startAnimation() - Play Animation from 0 frame.
pauseAnimation() - Pause Animation and keep on current frame.
stopAnimation() - Stop Animation,Clears Canvas while clearsAfterStop == YES.
stepToFrame(int frame, boolean andPlay) - Step to N frame, and then Play Animation if andPlay === true.
stepToPercentage(float percentage, boolean andPlay) - Step to x%, and then Play Animation if andPlay === true.
void onPause() - Call after animation paused.
void onFinished() - Call after animation finished.
void onRepeat() - Call while animation repeat.
void onStep(int frame, float percentage) - Call after animation play to specific frame.
Dynamic Object
You may replace Image or Text dynamically. To do this, you need to create a SVGADynamicEntity instance. (SVGAPlayer 支持动态图像和动态文本,要添加动态图像和动态文本,你需要创建一个 SVGADynamicEntity 对象,并传入 SVGDrawable 初始化方法。)
SVGADynamicEntity dynamicItem = new SVGADynamicEntity();SVGADrawable drawable = new SVGADrawable(videoItem, dynamicItem);

Dynamic Image
You need to create a bitmap instance, use setDynamicImage method, to replace specific image. Ask your designer to provide imageKey(or unzip the svga file, find it).
dynamicItem.setDynamicImage(bitmapDrawable, "99");

Dynamic Text
Use setDynamicText method, to add text on specific image. Ask your designer to provide imageKey(or unzip the svga file, find it).
TextPaint textPaint = new TextPaint();textPaint.setTextSize(30);textPaint.setFakeBoldText(true);textPaint.setARGB(0xff, 0xff, 0xe0, 0xa4);textPaint.setShadowLayer((float)1.0, (float)0.0, (float)1.0, Color.BLACK); // 各种配置dynamicItem.setDynamicText("崔小姐不吃鱼 送了魔法奇缘", textPaint, "banner");