Say 是什么意思

Say 是什么意思

say vt.(said[sed]; 第三人称单数陈述语气现在时says [sez])说, 讲说明; 表达念; 背诵报道, 写道[常用于虚拟语气、祈使句] 比如说; 姑且说; 假定说; 大约Be polite and say "Please" and "Thank you ". 要有礼貌, 说"请", "谢谢你"。Say it again in English. 用英语再说一遍。Say what you think . 把你的想法说出来。My watch says twenty past eight. 我的表是八点二十分。The look on his face said that he was confident of success. 他脸上的表情显示他对成功具有信心。He said his lesson [part]. 他背课文[台词]。The book says nothing about the affair. 书上对这件事什么也没有谈。The radio says no rain today. 电台预报今日无雨。The number left was not great, say, only ten. 余下的数目不大, 姑且说, 只有十个罢。Say your plan fails; then what do we do ? 假定你的计划失败了, 那末我们怎么办呢?
第1个回答  2010-08-09