英语作文翻译 第一次参加英语演讲比赛

结合所学句型,并运用部分重要的词组,如turn up,have difficulty doing,fail to do ,as well as,in order to ,too....to....,be worth doing等,用100左右单词表达一以下我的经历:我第一次参加英语演讲比赛时紧张得不知说什么。我无法集中思想,准备放弃。但是,老师的笑脸和观众的热烈掌声鼓励了我。我先整理思路,然后深呼吸以便保持冷静。虽然我没有得到名次,但我被授予一个特别勇气奖。这让我一时难以相信。这一天难道不值得庆祝吗?

My first speech contest nervous when I do not know what to say. I can not focus on thinking, ready to give up. However, the teacher smiles and warm applause from the audience encouraged me. I thought the first order, and then take a deep breath to stay calm. Although I was not rank, but I was awarded a special courage award. It makes me a moment hard to believe. Is not the day to celebrate it?