

pleasure 是常用词, 指“以任何形式表现出的或默默的快乐与满足”。
如: It's my pleasure to help you. 帮助你是我的快乐。
pleasant 是常用词, 指“愉快的”, 强调“所形容的人或物有给予愉快的性质”,表示被修饰的对象由于具有令人高兴的外表或热切的气质而使人感到有一种自然的吸引力
如: We spent a very pleasant evening. 我们度过了一个愉快的夜晚。
"Excuse me,"she said, "Can you tell me the way to King Street please?" The man smiled pleasantly. He did not understand English! “ 对不起,”她说。“可以告诉我到国王街怎样走吗?”那个人令人愉快地微微一笑,他不懂英语!
pleased 指“喜悦的”、“满意的”, 语意不强, 用于表示说话人自己的场合,
如: He is very pleased with the progress we are making. 他对我们工作的进展很满意。

pleasing 具有pleasant 的含义,但另外多一层有意识地去讨人喜欢的含义
She is very pleasing waitress. 她是个很会讨顾客喜欢的女招待。
She has a pleasing shape. 她的身段很俊俏。