
我不会写英语作文,这作文内容是我的朋友。我的朋友是一个胖胖的女生学习不太好,经常问我关于学习上的问题。他有一双水汪汪的小眼睛,一头乌黑亮丽的长发胖胖的脸大大的嘴巴。长的很可爱。他很勤快每天六点半都起床啦!所以他上学一般不迟到。她很勤快经常留在教室帮忙扫地。这就是我的好朋友,她叫琳达。求好心人帮我写!不着急 ,最好带翻译。一天内写完就行,定重谢!

My friend is a fat girl learning is not very good, often ask me the question about learning. He has a pair of wateryeyes, a beautiful black hair fat face big mouth. Cute. He is very diligent at six thirty every day they get up! So he goes to school not late. She is hard-working often stay in the classroom to sweep the floor. This is my good friend, her name is Linda.