谁能将下面这些翻译成英语 尊敬的嘉宾 非常感谢您下榻蓼城宾馆,在您入住宾馆之际,我代表宾馆全体员工,


Respect guests ,I am very grateful to you for staying in our hotel,at this moment , I only on behalf of the liao cheng Hotel,
之后是不是“欢迎你的光临”之类的?welcome for your presence。
第1个回答  2010-08-21
Honorable distinguished guest thanks you very much staying knotweed city guesthouse, I represent the entire employee of guesthouse at the time of firmly entering a guesthouse in you,
第2个回答  2010-08-21
Ladys and gentlemen,welcome to XX hotel,On the occation of you stay here, please allow me on behalf of all the staffs to......