
我们的外教叫我们问一些有意义的问题,不要问什么"Do you like hot pot?"(你喜欢吃火锅吗?)这种问题了;问一些比如"Why......." "How about......" "What about......"开头的问题.我实在没问题可问了.请各位帮帮忙,不要让外国人看低我们的智商!谢谢谢谢,万分感谢!

Why do you come to China?你为啥来中国?如果他回答因为喜欢中国,那就问他Why do you like China?Can you give us some details to support your answer?你为啥喜欢中国?给点细节解释说!
Why do you choose to be a teacher?你为什么选择做教师?不管他回答什么都继续问为什么不做别的培训机构的而是到学校来:Why do you choose to teach us here?Why not choose a training school?
How about being a doctor?你为啥不做个医生/或者前面他提到喜欢中国是喜欢中国的风景就问他:How about being a photographer?为啥不做摄影师?
How about your future plan in the coming 1/5/10 years?然后问他未来一年/五年/十年的打算~

Do you agree parents are the best teachers?Why?
Nowadays,food has become easier to prepare.Has this change improve the way people live?回答是,你就说准备食物其实也是家人沟通的一个好机会,而且洋快餐使得我们这一代胖子变多了.垃圾食品卖给中国人你是怎么看的?回答不是你就说这么节省时间一定程度上把妇女解放出来了,你怎么地?还是大男子主义?回答什么都是死!
It has been said,"not everything that is learned is contained in books."Which source is more important in your opinion?why?他不是要Why么?解释去吧!


第1个回答  2007-01-04
1. What's your opinion on the fact that eBay retreat from China market? And to further extend this topic, what do you think the search engine giant, Google, should do to win the China market?

2. From the news it says Saddam Hussein was excessively humiliated before his death, what's your comment on that?
第2个回答  2007-01-04
hei!Are you looking for a date, sugar?
第3个回答  2007-01-04
what the hell is it?
第4个回答  2007-01-04