

Today, our school organized a traffic safety knowledge lecture, which we all found very enlightening. We have a deeper understanding of the importance of obeying traffic rules and regulations and cherishing our lives.
When we ride in a car, we must remember to fasten our seat belts. Even if we feel safe, in case of an emergency brake, we could be injured or even thrown out of the car. I have realized the danger of not wearing a seat belt and will remind my parents to do so as well.
While on the bus, we should not stick our heads out of the window. I have heard of a tragic incident where a 19-year-old girl was killed due to this careless act. Although I do not do this, I understand the importance of following traffic regulations.
We must comply with the instructions of traffic lights. It is crucial not to run a red light, as it could cost a life. "Green light can wait, but life can't be repeated!" We should value life.
When pedestrians cross the road, we should use the zebra crossing. We should not have the mindset that "it's okay, the car will let me pass." At the same time, we should be aware of the traffic on both sides of the road. Courtesy and alertness can reduce the number of traffic accidents.
Surely, traffic safety knowledge is something that some people are aware of, while others are not. Now that everyone is learning about it, we should follow traffic rules and regulations and cherish our lives together.
There is no doubt that traffic congestion has become an increasingly worrying problem for residents in most urban areas. Rush hours see many major roads regularly choked with traffic. The limited transport capacity is largely responsible for this vexing issue. How can we solve this headache?
Existing solutions to traffic jams mainly focus on creating metro bus systems and widening major roads. While widening existing roads can alleviate traffic snarls to some extent, the soaring number of cars exacerbates the chronic problem. Therefore, we must reduce our heavy reliance on cars and shift towards mass transportation. It is a cost-effective and efficient solution. We can establish a system of customized bus routes and emphasize the development of subways, trams, and light rails. The effective combination of these solutions will enable urban areas to enjoy smooth traffic.
With the economy's growth, an increasing number of vehicles are taking to the streets. Governments at all levels must act to address the issue of heavy traffic in cities.
I would like to share some ideas about this problem: firstly, the government should build more roads. This can reduce the degree of street congestion and allow cars to travel faster than ever before. However, every coin has two sides. If a city builds too many roads, it will occupy much land. We will have little space used for other purposes. Therefore, secondly, more special bus lines for public transportation should be added. This will make it convenient for people to go anywhere they like without relying on cars. In this way, the number of cars and bikes on the road will be greatly reduced.
As far as I am concerned, if we want to solve this problem, we should prioritize the idea of public transportation and give it preference in our traffic work.