



1、Apparently, it was broken into again, and set on fire this time. FML.原来,我们的车子再一次被盗了,而且这次的盗贼还放了把火。

2、It's revelation, soul castigation. Fire will burn us away.这是启示,灵魂的惩戒,圣火将烧尽一切。

3、Will the fire stop in until we get back?火会一直燃到我们回来吗?

4、Clothing which is fire - resistant in air maybe readily ignitable in oxygen - enriched atmospheres.在空气中防火的衣服在富氧大气中可能很容易着火。

5、The log fire was blazing merrily.篝火正在欢快地熊熊燃烧着。

6、SEM Studies on Non-Halogen Fire Retardant Cable Material无卤阻燃电缆材料的SEM研究

7、One day our second grade class at Spring Park School was released early because of a 2 fire drill.有一天,因为要防火演习,我们这些源泉公园学校二年级的学生很早就放学了。

8、You got the Fire Extinguisher! It uses halon canisters to put out fires.你得到了灭火器!它通过消耗哈龙(一种化合物)瓶扑灭大火。

9、There was a fire blazing on the hearth.壁炉中的火正熊熊地燃烧。

10、Increases the duration of your Rapid Fire ability by 4 sec.增加急速射击的持续时间4秒。

11、Fire doors should not be wedged open at any time.任何时候都不要将防火门打开。
