

第1个回答  2018-03-14
你好,清新的英语是flesh,音标为:英 [freʃ];美 [frɛʃ]
【不规则形式】 fresher, freshest
1、(usually of food 通常指食物) recently produced or picked and not frozen, dried or preserved in tins or cans 新鲜的;新产的;刚摘的
2、made or experienced recently 新近的;新近出现的;新近体验的
3、[usually before noun]new or different in a way that adds to or replaces sth 新的;不同的
4、[usually before noun] pleasantly clean, pure or cool 清新的;凉爽的
5、[usually before noun] containing no salt 淡的;无盐的
6、(BrE) quite cold with some wind 清凉的;清爽的
7、(of the wind 风) quite strong and cold 凉飕飕的
同义词: brisk
8、looking clear, bright and attractive 洁净的;明净的;亮丽的
9、[not usually before noun] full of energy 精力充沛
10、~ from sth
having just come from a particular place; having just had a particular experience 刚从…来;刚有过…经历
students fresh from college
fresh from her success at the Olympic Games