
You want to see a vert interesting film cith your friend , but your friend can't go until he/she finshes cleaning his/her bicycle .
When he borrowed it last time, he broke it and you had to pay to ger it repaired .
Your friend comes to school very upset .
The bell rings so you need to go to class.
Your friend has gone on holiday and asked you ti take care of his dog.
While walking the dog ,you were careless and it got loose and was hit by a car.
Your friend, who doesn't work hard,asks you to help him cheat in the exam by looking at your paper.

请告诉我这些句子中的各个成份 哪个是主、谓、宾 那个是主、系、表 能给我讲明白的就加分~~~
告诉我我打的那些句子里面哪些是 不是 句子里的成分 比如说 You 是主语

主谓宾结构:You(主语) want to see(谓语) a very interesting film (宾语)with your friend(伴随状语), but (连词)your friend主语) can't go(谓语) until his/she finishes cleaning his/her bicycle(时间状语).
When he borrowed it last time he broke it /He(主语) broke(谓语)it(宾语) when he borrowed it last time(时间状语),and(连词) you(主语) had to pay (谓语)to get it repaired(目的状语)宾语为it.
Your friend comes to school very upset.此句为主谓结构+状语,school为to引导的地点状语,very upset 为伴随状语,表示Your friend comes to school 的状态是very upset.
The bell rings so you need to go to class.同样为主谓结构+状语,the bell(主语)rings(谓语)so you need to go to class(时间状语从句)其中又有一个小的主谓结构+地点状语。
Your friend(主语) has gone (谓语)on holiday (状语)and (省略主语your friend)asked(谓语) you to take care of his dog(宾语).
While walking the dog(时间状语从句), you(主语) were(系动词) careless(表语) and it got loose(主系表结构) and was hit by a car(被动语态,属于主谓宾结构,省略主语it).
Your friend(主语),who doesn't work hard(定语从句),asks 谓语)you to help him cheat in the exam by looking at your paper(宾语,其中又有一个by引导的方式状语)句子主干为主谓宾结构.
第1个回答  2010-08-12
主、谓、宾You want to see a vert interesting film cith your friend , but your friend can't go until he/she finshes cleaning his/her bicycle .
When he borrowed it last time, he broke it and you had to pay to ger it repaired .
Your friend comes to school very upset .
The bell rings so you need to go to class.
Your friend has gone on holiday and asked you ti take care of his dog.
Your friend, who doesn't work hard,asks you to help him cheat in the exam by looking at your paper.

主、系、表While walking the dog ,you were careless and it got loose and was hit by a car.
第2个回答  2010-08-12

主语 是动作的发起人,谓语是主语的动作行动,宾语是主语动作的指向
eg:I eat apples. 我是主语 吃是谓语 苹果是宾语
I like you 同上 喜欢是谓语 你是宾语

eg: you are ugly 你是主语 是 是系 丑陋就是表语

第3个回答  2010-08-12

分清 系动词 和 非系动词你就知道


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